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Everything posted by 77

  1. Yobama I would expect! Sunday I heard Lynch on tv say they were not sure yet of his motive. Do they really expect us to be that dumb?
  2. Looks like they are back tracking as we speak!
  3. most transparent ever! NOT!!!!
  4. Yep and thats ok if it will save American lives but this bunch of idiots running the show could care less about the American people!
  5. Am I the only one that thinks this is nonsense ? surely not!
  6. She should be afraid she knew what was going on and told no one! I am thinking she should be hung on the public square and send these sympathizers a message! jmo
  7. [Hidden Content]=
  8. why would the obama admin. edit the 911 calls from terrorist? Kinda looks like they dont want people knowing he pledged his allegiance to isis! [Hidden Content]
  9. dont you understand that dont matter because she is a democrat and its ok I am sure she had a change of heart after all Byrd was one of her heroes, yes that Byrd the KKK leader! It only matters what republicans said and did in the past!
  10. sure anyone's first instinct is to run but once there is no place to go you must attack!
  11. Yobama has done more to arm Americans than any other pres. now that is an accomplishment I like bet he dont but if he would blame the terrorist instead of law abiding gun owners sales probably wouldn't go up!
  12. This is what happens when people wait for police to save them. Not a knock against cops but they cant be everywhere as for me I will die fighting not cowered in the corner waiting to die!
  13. I am with you TVC as I stated in another post earlier I cant understand why these folks wait to be killed rather than attack. "Lets roll"!
  14. Sad thing is the MSNBC clan will lap this up!
  15. we could shut most of em down in about two weeks time and those we dont kill will run for the hills just like when GW got after em!
  16. I feel for all those families that were effected but I cannot figure out why with so many people in this club a group of them did not attack this shooter? Sure some will be shot but not all and he would have been taken out. That just seems logical to me rather than cower in a corner waiting to be the next victim! jmo prayers for those victims!
  17. liberalism is a sickness!
  18. sounds like they need to go where they practice sharia!
  19. Yobama has not articulated a plan to get rid of isis and hes been there 7 yrs.
  20. One of clintons quotes that means more than any of those! " Benghazi was caused by a video" and this was when she was in office lying to the American people and families of those killed! Oh thats right Clinton has never had a job outside of govt. Shes bought and paid for by wall street and foreign govts.
  21. No telling what kind of criminal activity will come out on this administration when they are gone unless clinton wins because Iam sure the deal is I wont indict you if you dont let anyone tell on me! Sad
  22. Nothing like hijacking a vigil! pitiful!
  23. Its always mental illness but what brings it on is maybe hate or religion .
  24. Nice
  25. I will give it a shot for them! We must open our borders so these people will know we love them and we will kill them with kindness until they murder every last one of us. Yall are just racist bigots! How was that?
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