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Everything posted by 77

  1. Yobama certainly didnt say the words but he did say we have to decide weather we want to do anything about guns! I say we do something about these radical idiots. FBI talked to this guy twice and let him go I am betting it was due to political correctness run amok.
  2. Sad day indeed but this just may be the killings that wake the democratic politicians and make them say radical islamist but I wont hold my breath on that one!
  3. congress wont hold Clinton in check just like they didnt hold Yobama in check. They all want the same thats why we need an outsider Trumps not my first choice but now he is our only choice!
  4. Experience screwing the American taxpayer is what Clinton has! Funny how the left is using all this experience talk when the guy that won it 8 years ago had been nothing but a community organizer, strange how that changes!
  5. And Yobama and the media will make sure she skates right on through because the people that will vote for her are to stupid to know any better! JMO
  6. I dont trust any of them in DC . At least I know Trump has not made a living in office like so many of these scum bags and I know he is not beholding to anyone or any foreign nation like the democratic nominee is. Shes been bought and paid for so many time its ridiculous!
  7. I didnt like it then either so whats your point?
  8. You cant call him nappy thats racist!
  9. says page not found when I click on it!
  10. But Yobama said if we were nice to them they would stop! Guess it was just another lie. I notice all those he is freeing from Gitmo are back in the fight!
  11. "the ends justify the means"
  12. And the union bosses (thugs) that are over the Detroit school system just keep lining their pockets and laundering that union dues money right into the democratic politicians pockets and thats a fact!
  13. Yobama is a joke! remember his interview with the chick that ate her cereal out of the bath tub? As for racism I see absolutely no room for you to judge anyone after some of the comments you've made.
  14. Way more blacks are out of the work force just like whites and the numbers are skewed to come up with the 5% rate!
  15. Wonder what the unemployment rate is now for Blacks versus what it was when Yobama took office.
  16. Republicans hating on Trump just like democrats is the exact reason we need someone like him in the WH. Both sides are afraid that he will mess up their elitist status and make changes neither will like!
  17. And the dems keepin you in line by telling you what to think and when to think! come on think for yourself for once you might like it!
  18. Dont watch it I had good schoolin and can think for myself Remember white privilege oh wait I graduated with a bunch of blacks that had the same teachers and everything. Guess its my fault Yobama wouldn't release any records must have something to hide!
  19. Yep one day it will come to a head and those rock throwing flag burning idiots will have problems, hope its sooner than later!
  20. The only records Yobama would show was his taxes everything else about the man they kept hidden and by they I mean him his handlers and the state run media!
  21. the law firm for the defendant in the Trump case is a huge democratic donor and gave Clinton $600,000. If you dont think its political you've probably got your head in the sand!
  22. Why is everyone bashing Trump for his loud mouth while praising Ali as a hero and he was ten times worse than Trump about Mouthing!
  23. Not so sure some of those glitches didnt take place during 2008!
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