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Everything posted by 77

  1. [Hidden Content]-
  2. they will probably doctor them up before releasing!
  3. 77

    Tax Cuts

    I cant believe the idiots that vote for her!
  4. if the shoe was on the other foot the MSM would be going nuts just as they should but since its dems its okay! This stinks to high heaven we got lots of crooks running the show in the FBI and DOJ!
  5. release the memo call # 202-224-3121 and insist they release the memo!
  6. but they said there is no voter fraud! Yea right!!!
  7. release it for sure!
  8. on purpose!
  9. P.S. Obama called Libya a Sh**show some one please explain why thats ok but Sh**hole is not ?
  10. dems and libs have nothing but to scream racism now because Trumps economic plan is working and they want him to fail and do not care who it hurts!
  11. I have yet to see him say this on any tape so if you ask me I trust him more than the proven lying media! PS I dont care if he did say it Hillary called most of the US citizens deplorable so hey it will be alright.
  12. lol
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. thats funny!
  15. to answer your question, no I did not receive FEMA.did you?
  16. The climate has changed since the beginning of time .today's version is nothing more than a get rich scheme hatched by the elite to bilk $$$ from taxpayers to line their pockets!
  17. California and Minnesota is exactly what the left wants America to look like and for anyone with any common sense would know thats not a good thing but common sense isn't the lefts strong suit!
  18. why else would all the liberal politicians want to keep giving our tax dollars to that global warming scam, just another money laundering scheme!
  19. 77

    Tax Cuts

    great news from believe it or not, CBS check it out. [Hidden Content]
  20. 77

    Tax Cuts

    dont forget how much obama increased the debt. but I guess that dont matter!
  21. but but but Trumps a racist!
  22. example: I have a family member that owns an environmental consulting firm he does permitting water, testing, air quality control and a lot of his clients are small business owners paint and body shops for example or just some of his clients. He said shortly after Obama took over and installed more regulations he said a permit that once took 4 to 6 weeks to get was now taking 4 to 6 months to get. That is one of the things that Trump is turning around and these businesses know that will save them time and money. Trump is tearing down what these career politicians have been building for years on the backs of taxpayers and the swamp on both sides hate him for it. Win for the American people.
  23. they should lock the entire obama admin. up! most corrupt ever!
  24. these folks hurt their cause much more than help it!
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