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Everything posted by 77

  1. She successfully deleted all of her emails. That was easy!
  2. The ends justify the means where have we heard that? Oh that right Cloward and Pevin! Lie cheat or steal as long as it produces the outcome one wants!
  3. But to the left lying dont matter!
  4. And now we know how these nut jobs keep getting elected!
  5. And the young people there were interested in gay rights the reporter said.. These folks need to wake up because if isis keeps coming over they wont like what they have to say about gay rights and we just keep letting them come! Open borders!
  6. Sounds like the same thing Rev Al said about Texas. Who listens to these idiots. Well Rev has lots of followers dont know about this one!
  7. NAACP says there is no requirement that one must be black to join but I guess if your a liar thats ok!
  8. This is govt. employee database why cant they make it secure its theirs it has nothing to do with my privacy!
  9. This admin. is so busy trying to curb our rights and invade our privacy that they are not taking care of the things that is really their job. Keeping Americans safe!
  10. I tend to believe God controls the planet but thats just me.
  11. How do you know its not a lie? Because Al Gore and Yobama told ya so.
  12. 77


    What say you about Baltimore then? Black mayor black police chief so why don't they clean it up? Because when police go to those areas they are harassed by bystanders. Got to clean up your own backyard if those people want it stopped they should step up and fight fire with fire if necessary . Keep hearing pundits on tv talk about the middle east and how we should stay out and let them settle it,well similar situation here , these folks have to stand up to and face these thugs and work with the police.
  13. 77


    Its because the the folks in the well to do neighborhoods would rat the dealers out and help the cops get rid of them rather than surround the cops and start harassing them because these folks care about the neighborhoods and it wouldn't matter what color they were!
  14. 77


    They now say 73 TSA agents have ties to terrorism! Wow looks like we are doing all we can to help them out. Getting hard to tell who this admin. likes best, us or them?
  15. Dang imagine that!
  16. Hillary is out there talking about bad rep not allowing a long enough time for early voting in states like Texas but in her state of NY they dont allow any early voting. When will people quit believing the Clinton BS ?
  17. They should be deported they are the ones that cant seem to coexist!
  18. Just goes to show!
  19. 77

    Do They?

    Dont know why they dont move to the place that shares their views?
  20. All one has to do is follow the money. These fat cats fly around in private planes and have motorcades made up of numbers of SUV's. While they try to tell the little people how to live. Hypocrisy at its finest!
  21. And this is right after they shipped live Anthrax all over the country. Yobama administration has got this govt. runnin like a well oiled machine or like one they would love to run into the ground!
  22. Profiling would solve a lot of our problems.
  23. We guard our politicians with guns why not our kids!
  24. Thank you!
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