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Everything posted by 77

  1. I dont know what to say! LOL
  2. lets see how we can spin this?
  3. I voted against the traitor both times!
  4. I am having trouble posting articles for some reason so maybe someone can post it. After union led protest in LA for $15 minimum wage unions now want exemptions for companies that unionize so they would be able to collect more due and the companies would not have to pay the $15. So you think the unions are still working on behalf of the working man? I think not and I feel sure the Democratic party will do all they can to oblige the unions since thats one of their main fund raisers.
  5. Stupidest thing I've ever heard of , almost!
  6. Union leaders realize that the numbers will shrink in the workforce therefore decreasing the amount of $$ they can line their pockets and the pockets of their democratic politicians with!
  7. Anyone that would vote for this proven time and again liar should really seek help!
  8. That would not turn out well !
  9. Carpet bomb!!!
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Kevin must be trying to get a job over at MSNBC!
  12. Well I dont that mom wearin jeans fella we got in DC now will do anything!
  13. Good job Ted!
  14. He has a clue, things going just as planned!
  15. Just further proof that the VA problem wont be fixed while Yobama is in office!
  16. from the biggest liar of the 21st century.
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Interesting! [Hidden Content]
  20. I'am with you hippie!
  21. They dont wont the cops doing their job looks like they may be getting their wish! [Hidden Content]#
  22. Wonder if jay-z and bouncy will be posting their bond?
  23. At least the didnt burn down any hard working folks livelihood!
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