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Everything posted by 77

  1. I'am sure their not thugs but just misguided youths that have grown up in an unfair society. Hang em high! 
  2. Because they agree with her after all white privilege is rampant take the NFL for example... wait maybe not a good indicator.
  3. 77

    Garland Texas

    Bingo !!!! BS nailed it!
  4. 77

    Garland Texas

    And with thinking like 23's  and I mean to live and let live which I agree with will put you at the top of their list to lose your head. They believe in only one way to live and thats their way.I know its not all Muslims but we dont need to worry about the peaceful ones they are not the ones slaughtering men women and children all over the globe.
  5. 77


    He just opened a new gate for illegals to infiltrate!
  6. I agree with ya but I didnt say parents were teaching I said they should be but lots of parents aren't doin their job these days!
  7. 77

    Garland Texas

    Some people wont see it for what it is until its to late mostly the left wing media!
  8. Parents should be tending to teaching most of these things not teachers!
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. 77

    Garland Texas

    I dont like the nonsense that Westboro church spews about soldiers and other folks but I wont go out and shoot em up over it!
  11. 77

    Garland Texas

    Dont hate peaceful Muslims just not to fond of the ones that want to kill me and my family. Not fond of what they were doing at the convention but it is their  right and I support that right.
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Sounds like we need a ban on assault rocks!
  14. He would probably like to lock up folks putting on this event like he did the fella that made the movie that caused the Benghazi attack. oh wait I forgot that was proven to be one of his many lies!
  15. Could it be more violence from the peaceful bunch? [Hidden Content]
  16. ​But wait , weren't three of the cops that supposedly killed this last guy black? 
  17. Example of another liar in charge that will not be held responsible for her words and actions! [Hidden Content]
  18. Shoot the ones that are armed and baseball bat the ones unarmed and if your not sure do both. That should slow down the robberies.
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. The city govt. is what I am talking about.
  22. Then why haven't they changed things? seems like that just proves my point about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome !
  23. I hear the leaders saying all this is a by product of no jobs for the black population in Baltimore. Why is that? who has failed to turn the economy  around and why is the black unemployment numbers so high? What party is running this city and the White house? Maybe its time to vote in a different direction and see if things improve. What do you call it when one does the same thing over and over the same way and expects a different outcome ?
  24. Wouldn't surprise me , they voted for the one we got now!
  25. Just repaying those that contributed to their election campaigns.
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