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Everything posted by 77

  1. Still not a reason to kill him but he was no choir boy either. [Hidden Content]
  2. Those democrats sure know how to put on a riot!
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Crooks!
  5. Snakes!
  6. Well looks like a lot of the anchors at MSNBC are not helpin pay for this! lol [Hidden Content]
  7. Lock and load!
  8. How about we hold some of these elected P.O.S's accountable! [Hidden Content]
  9. What a liar! [Hidden Content]
  10. But Obama said it was better?
  11. Guess they cant call it workplace violence now.
  12. Peaceful !
  13. I know and he continued it so that makes him as sorry as Bush and yall voted him in twice! Go figure.
  14. But the republicans just sit around doing nothing they should do like the shyster Harry and mention it every time they get in front of a camera. 
  15. Six years of Yobama!
  16. There is billions of $$ spent on nonsense  by the govt. they could cut but they wont! Term limits is the only long term solution.
  17. Maybe they are thinking they wont be held responsible for their actions just like the rest of the crooks that work there.
  18. Yobamas America!
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. But to finish what he says to the woman to be stoned, he says " go and sin no more"
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. I think the problem these folks had was catering an event such as same sex marriage they would gladly serve anyone in their store. It would be like a black owned restaurant having to cater a KKK rally, dont think they would feel comfortable and dont believe they should have to.
  23. He has surrounded himself with loyal liars!
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