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Everything posted by 77

  1. The UN is who Yobama wants to go to for approval of the Iran agreement and this is how they think! [Hidden Content]
  2. OK I just dont know why they would continue to defend this bunch unless...... [Hidden Content]
  3. If Islam is the religion of peace shouldn't radical Islamist be really really peaceful?
  4. [Hidden Content] Please feel free to leave.
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. 77


    Every parent of every child should explain to them how to properly address cops while being stopped or questioned.
  7. 77


    Kinda like aid and comforting to the terrorist being released from GITMO.
  8. 77


    Strange that he hit two different cops I think the probability of that happening if he was shooting at someone else is very low. If I were him I would stick to that story about not shooting at them. I guess now we will have riots because he was arrested for a crime he didn't mean to commit?
  9. 77


    Cause yobama said to!
  10. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck .......
  11. 77


    I am not black but I too have been hassled by the cops but I learned very quickly as a young man that if your not breaking the law and you do what your told by cops and don't resist nothing usually happens.
  12. 77


    [Hidden Content]
  13. 77


    Heres the problem , just to many idiots! [Hidden Content]
  14. The repubs are just the lesser of two evils at this time just my opinion.
  15. Bush never lived overseas so no reason to believe he was from Kenya but I do believe his educational records were open to see and I dont believe Yobamas were.As for being muslim all one has to do his watch his actions to question his religion.
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. 77


    I would like to see a fund to support the Ferguson police officers and everyone of them could quit and let the thugs have Ferguson then those folks will see how much the police help them.
  18. Sounds like they should read the stuff their passing!
  19. 77


    [Hidden Content]
  20. 77


    Looks like the good rev. and the rest of the stokers in DC may get that race war they been wantin if they keep this up.
  21. 77


    Sounds like they should cross at the light!
  22. [Hidden Content]
  23. Guess they figure these folks wont be voting for the dems so they need to hunt them down unlike the southerners who come here illegally! [Hidden Content]
  24. Just think how bad the media would paint this picture if a republican admin. were in office.
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