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Everything posted by 77

  1. 77


  2. Yep , what George said!
  3. 77


    No I think they should have been fired!
  4. 77


    No I would go with all black. The guy that shot the crook was found not guilty of doing anything wrong by Eric Holder himself so he must have been alright Besides its known fact that if black shoots another black it dont matter near as much.Happens all the time and the news never reports on it and the good rev dont seem to mind because if he did he would have a march or burn a car or something. Just a thought.
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. 77


    I think Ferguson should fire the whole staff and hire nothing but black officers then all their problems will be solved!
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Once again your letting facts get in the way of the agenda!
  9. To many bad guys coming across!
  10. Secure the borders, thats the govt. job. Come here legally are dont come at all.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content] They say in the article that the spike in sales is due to fear of more gun regulations . I agree but I also feel it is due to the fact that our leaders are doing less to secure borders and the safety of the American public which should be their number 1 job.
  13. Enlightened for a person that dont believe in God you sure spend alot of time trying to convince yourself he doesn't exist.
  14. What a bunch of liars!
  15. You got it. Not my place to judge anyone unless they are hurting me or my family then I become judge and jury!
  16. Maybe Yobamas deal just says they cant bomb Hawaii after 2016?
  17. Love it!
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content]#
  20. One day the shoe may be on the other foot and the leftist will be screaming !
  21. [Hidden Content] Guess we shouldn't expect anything different than what their leader does.
  22. We should kill as many terrorist as possible and that would make people stop and think before they join up with them!
  23. The Bible talks about many things we shouldn't do but by Grace we are all forgiven if we accept it. There was only one man that walked this earth that didn't sin and it wasn't me or you!
  24. I agree hippy and I have spotted it in many kids before they ever knew they were, not my place to judge them.I do not wont the gay or straight parading up and down the streets flaunting their sexuality. example; gay pride parades, if you say its none of my business then dont make it my business.
  25. God and Jesus love all of us!!!!!!!!!!!
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