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Everything posted by 77

  1. so if white men are the biggest terrorist in this country since we have so many white males why would anyone in the U.S. still be alive? why would we want to bring more terrorist here since we have so many already?
  2. Hearing these folks defend these scumbags should let everyone know exactly how they feel about their fellow Americans. crying shame!
  3. same song and dance interviewed folks at the Mosque he attends and of coarse no one knows him and dont no anything about him.,Imagine that.
  4. 77


    got him so now lets go after the rest of the criminals there, a few on the other side come to mind!
  5. pretty sure these guys call each other a lot worse names when their on the field.
  6. I thought the rules read that only white people could be racist?
  7. crooked bunch they are indeed.
  8. he wont touch the dems they have paid him well i am quite sure. Dont trust any of them!
  9. and just as I thought there are not many of them.
  10. imagine that!
  11. old testament!
  12. you have to remember that the left is all for free speech and religion as long as they agree with your speech and religion!
  13. Clinton was supposed to win and this would not have been necessary she would have taken care of it , but she lost thank goodness!
  14. i feel confident the clinton obama cartel have already bought and paid for Mueller!
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. I will use a favorite line of the left when they are talking about guns, we should outlaw men going in women or girls restrooms it it could possibly save one girl from going through this would it be a good law!
  17. been bought and paid for by the clintons just like so many others!
  18. I experienced the same thing when I was young. Did your son get arrested for anything , if not I would think he handled it very well!
  19. if you teach your son to obey the police officer and treat him with respect I do believe your son will be fine , oh and dont break the law!
  20. 77

    I Agree!

    yep drain the swamp both sides!
  21. you can ban it and I can assure you any machine shop can build it and sell it on the side! We dont enforce laws on the books and no laws will stop these sickos!
  22. Cali has gone full loony tunes!
  23. [Hidden Content]
  24. So Obamas ATF didnt act on it glad we can agree!
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