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Everything posted by 77

  1. Guess we gonna find out.
  2. yep I forgot about the line in the sand. He's one of them he will not be drawing any lines.
  3. Well they defiantly aren't the jv!
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. eternity is a long time !!!!!!
  6. ! You have learned from Yobama well. When truth hurts always change the subject he's a master!!!!
  7. No doubt that the inmates are running the asylum.
  8. Yes but they say it as they take the heads of the ones that dont see it as they do thats a big difference!
  9. One doesnt need proof all ya need is faith!
  10. Read the second paragraph and it will tell ya all ya need to know. [Hidden Content]
  11. If atheist know there is no God what do they care if there is angles or the ten commandments or anything else religious up anywhere?
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. I know not all muslims are terrorist but most terrorist are muslims!
  14. We need term limits for sure because I doubt we will ever get the other if we dont get rid of the elitist we have running the country now!
  15. Hearing Yobamas speech right now and boy he sure loves him some muslims!!!
  16. Cant argue facts so one must turn to name calling! He's an angry man. Know God know peace, no God no peace!
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. The open border to our south is for sure letting them in!
  19. We need term limits on these crooks!
  20. Keep trustin Yobama!
  21. Your blinders are securely attached!
  22. Dang your so enlightened! Facts are a scary thing sometimes!
  23. [Hidden Content]
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