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Everything posted by 77

  1. She said this on a MSNBC interview with Chris Matthews!
  2. And there ya go!!!
  3. You just cant make this stuff up, they say we should help them find jobs! [Hidden Content]
  4. But when they do tell us something it should not be a lie!
  5. Then goes to play golf with a billionaire, guess they were talkin about ways to help the middle class!
  6. He is for sure doing his part to try and make it look like something its not! Never mention Jews or Christians as their victims!
  7. Ok lets here why this is a good thing?
  8. Its great but I feel like it will only be another waste of money givin to a bloated arm of the govt.Hope I am wrong!
  9. I dont see how me giving more of my money to the govt. while they fly around the world in private jets is gonna help the environment!
  10. [Hidden Content] He dont respect the office how can I respect him!
  11. Glad to see this good job!
  12. thats all it is just another way to take our money and use as they see fit!
  13. No he is the liar that keeps getting caught in his lies!
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. I guess everyone that comes from Chicago is crooked from the POTUS to the little league team! [Hidden Content]
  16. Neither! He is in the corner of the muslims and therefore helps whenever he can!
  17. Father may make the choice but he does not have the final say!
  18. And I agree with this guy!
  19. I've decided a long time ago and he verifies it when he lets terrorist go free to return to the battlefield! One does not have to be to Enlightened to see what he really is!
  20. Father and the baby dont get a choice!
  21. dont know anything bout rush dont ever listen in!
  22. No I think he means because the are both crooked as a snake but they are both black!
  23. What a crooked bunch!
  24. [Hidden Content]
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