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Everything posted by 77

  1. My biggest knock on Yobama is the fact that he has lied about anything and everything from day one, I really expected better from him! You know the whole transparency thing!
  2. This regime you speak of wont wake up they know what they are doing and they choose to side with the enemy rather than Israel they are the muslim brotherhood!
  3. Preferably someone with some real hope and change rather than a lie every time he opens his mouth! Yobama made the DC ways even worse than when he got there!
  4. Amen! She would be one of the first that they would decapitate because of her beliefs! 
  5. They dont have to become Christians just like I shouldnt have to change my ways to sharia law or any of our laws to accommodate them!!
  6. Ok legalize pot right after we legalize gambling (casinos)!
  7. Heres a perfect example! [Hidden Content]
  8. Its nonsense lets just call them what they are muslim terrorist! Didn't they just kill about 200 kids?
  9. I have no problem with folks practicing whatever they want but you cant come to America which was founded on certain principles and laws and try to make us convert to your laws are way of life. If you like sharia laws one should either stay where they have them or move to where they have them. We have heard it time and again that the goals of the muslims is to implement their laws in this country. Keep your head on a swivell or it may end up rolling around on the floor and always remember to lock and load!
  10. She should have been polite and just asked that they not lop her head off!
  11. Yobamas warrior brothers!
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. So you still dont think he is pulling for the muslims? [Hidden Content]
  14. 77


    Ghetto indeed!
  15. Heard Yobama let another one of his warriors go back to the battle! Sad!
  16. Pesky facts!
  17. 77


    I keep my head on a swivel and trust no one until they prove to be trustworthy and always keep one in the chamber but  Thats just me!
  18. I have never called him a socialist! Muslim terrorist sympathizer maybe but never socialist! I think he considers himself a muslim political elitist! Oh and a liar!  Boom kapow!!   PS I would believe he would like to think himself a socialist but his greedy ways seem to lead him in a different direction such has taking care of his cronies!
  19. Where you are confused is that Yobama is just a huge liar!
  20. You shoot them in the leg and they can still pull the trigger maybe Yobamas plan is to train cops to shoot off the trigger finger!
  21. why in the six years yobama been in office have the rich gotten richer and the wages for middle class have not gotten better?
  22. Shoot em in the leg ,please you been watchin to many James Bond films!
  23. 77


    The only folks that were shot and killed in Ferguson is the guy that resisted arrest and attacked a cop and yes if you do that you will get shot! The head racist ( Holder) in the country investigated and found the cop did no wrong, you gotta let it go and you can put your hands down because in this case nobody ever had them up!
  24. Because he is one of them!
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