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Everything posted by 77

  1. I will see a couple of mexicans tomorrow and I will ask!
  2. Iam sure he is talkin about drug cartels I dont think they do it in the name of their God like the terrorist do!
  3. Amen!
  4. If your only 22 than you are younger than my kids and I know you have had the same opportunities in school and any other walks in life my kids have and your father had the same opportunities that I did so dont cry that victim BS to me!
  5. You believe just like the big govt. guys want you to believe "its just a little bit" and soon that will add up to alot. How would you feel about only bringing home half of your paycheck every month? Because your probably closer than you think!
  6. I believe Marco Polo nailed it some years ago! [Hidden Content]
  7. They want sharia law world wide and to kill all that dont abide!
  8. I dont agree with this bunch much but I do here and think every civilized nation should sign on with them about this but I am pretty sure our muslim lovin administration wouldnt wont to hurt the feelings of those terrorist! [Hidden Content]
  9. Sure you can my kids have never been on welfare and never got a dime from the Govt. for college ! More white privilege!
  10. Wonder why the good rev. has not come to defend him?
  11. Yall must hate Hispanics?
  12. 77


  13. 77


    Interesting! [Hidden Content]
  14. Didnt I just read where a young boy got in trouble in school for reading his bible silently! [Hidden Content]
  15. It hit here already in Boston Fort Hood Oklahoma where next I'am not sure but the Pres. and his minion probably wont call it what it really is!
  16. Being fired from your job for your believes is BS and had he been spewing the book of Islam he would have the President and every other liberal in the nation coming to his rescue! The tolerant left is only tolerant if you agree with them!
  17. Dont agree with this guy very often but he nails this about the killings! [Hidden Content]     And here is another I agree with! [Hidden Content]
  18. Both groups are trying to take credit for the killings that sir makes them the same. This case dont need research it needs common sense and thats one thing this country does without in most cases mainly when the govt. is involved!
  19. Yep I read he article and let me assure you that nothing is free someone will pay and it wont be the folks that pay no taxes!  One can get grants now if they cant pay for college. My kids were not eligible you know the type white and had tax paying parents!  I guess I could chalk it up to white privilege!
  20. Its her choice how do you know her mom brainwashed her? Ive seen a lot of folks go thru treatment that makes them very very ill for a year or two only to die shortly there after.
  21. But that same girl could get an abortion with or without parental consent!  we got problems!
  22. As far as I am concerned!
  23. More taxes sounds like to me!
  24. Same thing he always never says! [Hidden Content]
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