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Everything posted by 77

  1. Most idiots surround themselves with idiots!
  2. But aint it fun!
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. not another lie, imagine that!
  5. 77

    So peaceful!

    Hes pullin for em in our country!
  6. 77

    So peaceful!

    they would blame the police for not protecting them!
  7. Yobama and the state run media has emboldened these people with their continuous sympathy for these crazy people! Folks ya better wake up are there might be a beheading coming to your neighborhood! [Hidden Content]
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. Can you say Supreme Court! Now that would be bad!
  10. They only come out when there is a republican in office everybody knows that!
  11. I feel like he will replace him with someone as bad or worse!
  12. Some folks just love a good liar! I mean story teller!
  13. Even you Yobama lovers have to have a problem with this huh? [Hidden Content]
  14. Bombs away ! 
  15. If you are going to fight with a known terrorist group that is lopping the heads off of true US citizens it should be a no brainer  its not because the are Muslim its because they are terrorist!
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Wolf in sheep's clothing!
  18. This admin. is not to fond of Texas!
  19. Not low info they just think like this lady! [Hidden Content]
  20. It even made the news on the state run media channels! 
  21. Rather have civilian casualties over there than over here!
  22. I dont think either side spends a lot of time studying the good book, action speaks louder than words and most of them have a greed and power problem! Vote em all out!
  23. But yet they keep voting for the same policies that put and keep them there!
  24. Sending 3000 troops to fight ebola virus but none to fight ISIS!  We got problems!
  25. Yobama wont do that he likes these folks to much!
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