Look at any govt. housing complex and see how long it takes to fall into ruin. No pride of ownership and when this one is torn up they (govt.) will build me another! I know not all people that live there destroy the property but just like so many other things the few that dont will be affected the most!
Her only point is the same as her savior Yobama she hates the good ole USA that has provided her and him to be all they can be but the are soured from their past! Must be a miserable life holding all those grudges!
OK why havent they! They are streaming over more than ever before lets stop it! Yobamas dream of bringing America down a notch or two in the world standing!
Thats it! It dont matter who did what back when all that matters is who is not doing what he swore he would do when he took the oath, but I'am sure some dont care that he lied about that either!
Big girl believes everything he says even though he has been caught in many many lies! The people that want the same thing he does will hang on his every untruth!
Passenger plane blown out of the sky wars every where Yobama got it under control shoot he probably having a beer with the folks from planed parenthood and maybe marchin in a gay pride parade Organizer in chief yea he's got a couple more fund raisers tonight! What loser!
2 more fine conservatives giving more than lip service like old Nancy P and dirty Harry. Bet you wont hear about this on the state run media!
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