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Everything posted by 77

  1. I didnt have a problem the first time Obama was elected I gave him the benefit of doubt and thought he might be good  but boy was I wrong. I saw that he had lied profusely to get into office and the lies continue! He is a liar and a thug and is not good for this country!
  2. Somebody got they feelins hurt! He is a bully and a lying thug!
  3. As long as Yobama says its ok its ok with him and the rest of the Yobama worshipers!
  4. No telling how many terrorist are crossing the border right now!
  5. Bout time folks start seeing him for what he is! Dang racist! [Hidden Content]
  6. What if you accidentally crossed the Mexican border and they locked you up and threw away the key ! Laws are laws cant pick and choose like Yobama likes to do! Plus our tax dollars are at work here I believe back in the day nobody was pickin up the tab for folks crossin over!
  7. Its racist because liberals like em and dont want the truth interfering with there future voter registration!
  8. No its because the media is run by the dems and yep theres lots of idiots that vote for her!
  9. Not a big fan of the kickball tourny , hell you dont even have to win to advance and who thought is was a good idea to let a game end in a tie?
  10. Them lefties be wantin it all!
  11. Everyone in DC needs to go! Term limits, the elites are way to comfortable!
  12. Because they want it all their way or no way!
  13. Obamacare and many added regulations and a President that no one can believe is one of the main reason folks are not hiring!
  14. Six years in this is on your man Yobama! Remember him laughing saying those shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready! What a joke!
  15. I know  lets shutdown more coal energy plants that's sure to create jobs! 
  16. 77


    You will not here the news report that stat nor will you read it in print through any main stream media!
  17. 77


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  18. 77


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  19. 77


    If I'am not mistaken Hobby Lobby still pays for like 16 different kinds of contraceptives!  [Hidden Content]
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. What happened in Orange needs to happen in DC  they voted for the younger non lifetime politicians hoping to get some positive things done.  I remember a man a few years ago ran for President and was gonna make things better and change the DC ways but come to find out he was one of them and he was worst than most already there, so I guess Orange will have to wait and see!
  22. Worst pres. in the history of USA!
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