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Everything posted by 77

  1. An attempt to have govt run our healthcare and will do a fantastic job just like the VA I'am sure!
  2. 77


  3. love it!
  4. 77


    Why must you use that term you do not what it means dont you! 
  5. 77


    Its not a problem with #s its a problem of when!
  6. [Hidden Content] this is beyond ridiculous now    CMON MAN!
  7. They did it once why would they not do it again? [Hidden Content]
  8. [Hidden Content] the hits just keep coming! I didnt really believe all that Chicago style polotics when Yobama first came in but boy I'am a believer now!
  9. Just another coincidence? [Hidden Content]
  10. One thing you can say is Yobama has surrounded himself with some first class liars that will follow his lead! [Hidden Content]
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. This man was elected on the lies he told oh and the color of his skin!
  14. and child poverty is fixin to get worse! [Hidden Content]
  15. No one can logically  defend this IRS situation or the va for that matter!
  16. 77

    Benghazi !

    they being Yobama admin. are the ones that said it was not a video which they lied about!
  17. Thats pretty funny! But they said our borders are secure! They also said I could keep my ins.! They also oh never mind this could go on all night!
  18. There not even held to the same standard when it comes to paying over due taxes!
  19. 77

    Benghazi !

    He will say what he is told and then he will be swapped in a prisoner exchange and be right back over there fighting with the rest of Yobamas buddies!
  20. He's not happy with his boys just takin over in Baghdad he wants here too leave them borders open see what happens!
  21. Cuban explains it pretty good! [Hidden Content]
  22. Because Bush got voted out 6 yrs ago gotta let it go he was voted out because folks didnt like his policies now after hundreds of lies the folks are finding out Yobama is the worst thing to ever happen to America!
  23. Thats easy they are all racist! How many times we gotta tell ya? Its just ashame that the first black president is also the worst black president!
  24. Geez like you arent free what a gigantic load of bs!
  25. Yobama should be thrilled about this , his side is winning!
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