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Everything posted by 77

  1. In Yobama era not that many are joining the workforce! College tuition is to high and as long as they keep gettin that govt. money the price will keep goin up!
  2. Ole sneaky Bill said it it must be true and  he is a democrat!
  3. What a liar this man is! [Hidden Content]
  4. What will the do! [Hidden Content]
  5. All liars and cheats!
  6. Amazing ! And most of the media sits quietly and hope the shoe is not on the other foot at some point in the future!
  7. Remember his peons think he is not responsible for anything, never his fault which is just how he likes it!
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. And they are doing better under your boy Yobama!
  10. And with that I guess we can say guilty as charged ! Wonder who those emails were to?
  11. This is exactly what DC should be worried about right now what a joke this admin. is!
  12. I know it and nobody will hold those parents responsible for their actions or in this case inaction. They just keep gettin that govt. check and spending on themselves in stead of their kids. Drug test should be mandatory for any govt. asst.
  13. 77

    Benghazi !

    Wonder if Yobama heard about his capture on the news just like the rest of us?
  14. Your boy has been in office all this time and nothing is getting better so just maybe he is wrong!
  15. Have not heard you complaining about all his other drone attacks that killed no telling who!
  16. 77

    Benghazi !

    Hey Yobama caught one! What do ya wanna bet he says he fired on embassy because of a video!!!
  17. One of the key things for our govt. to do is secure and protect its borders, look to the south and you will see that our govt. is totally failing to do that job! [Hidden Content]
  18. Laundry service must have been very profitable! 
  19. Bomb the hell out of them!
  20. 77


    Bin Laen is dead and GM is alive! Dont here that much anymore since Al-Quida is on the move and GM is recalling more cars!! 
  21. I guess now if we get audited we can just say we lost all the records from a particular time span and that will be good enough! Yea right!
  22. The bigger the lies the more some people like them I guess those same people probably sided with BISD because they had some good liars over there too!  Personally I dont understand why anyone would want another Clinton or Bush in the White house!
  23. Big girl will never oppose any thing Yobama does because she is color blind!
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