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Everything posted by 77

  1. I know folks like the cheater and his heifer but that has nothing to do with this bs shes peddling!  If she couldnt satisfy Bill how can she satisfy America?
  2. Big girl is just like Yobama sounds like she has no respect or favor for our men and women in uniform that fight for their right to spout off their anti American nonsense ! 
  3. Surely folks arent buying this crock!. I think they were probably laundering money not clothes!  [Hidden Content]
  4. The reason things are so complicated is lawyers. Most of those writing the laws are lawyers and want them as complicated as possible so to interpret them you need a lawyer. Most in govt. office are lawyers and lawyers donate a lot of money to the crooks in office!
  5. I find it funny that Yobama constantly preaches about sharing the wealth and bashing the rich while is is constantly out fund raising. Someone needs to tell him he's not running again he dont have to fund raise everyday.
  6. 77


    [Hidden Content]
  7. I am as sad as you guys that the first black Pres. is a liar and crook and that he could care less about the American people but it is what it is!
  8. 77

    Media bias!

    for those doubters you can hear it hear straight from CNN! [Hidden Content]
  9. Are you willing to admit that Yobama has lied because there is plenty of evidence that he has or is he and his admin. just stupid? Has to be one or the other which will you choose? not so much evidence on those groups you speak of!
  10. And none on the other side of the aisle were? One has to be blind and deaf to not see this for what it really is!  
  11. Just more lies!
  12. Biggest liar to ever hold the office!jmo
  13. He dislikes the military and I think its pretty obvious by his actions  VA being the #1 issue  he even ran on this issue and did nothing, what a liar!
  14. I guess the Yobama defenders will say sometimes things like this just happen! What a crock! How can anyone in their logical mind defend this bunch! [Hidden Content]
  15. she be trippin?
  16. Lets not forget that medicare and social security are taken out of your paychecks for your working years not to be confused with welfare and Medicaid!
  17. Why has Yobama not shut down the borders?
  18. Both indeed with an agenda that in my opinion they are being successful with! This is his fundamental change. Elite ruling class and their minions!
  19. Nailed it!
  20. Its been his whole playbook from the start with some Sal Alinskiy thrown in!
  21. crickets!!!
  22. She sure sides with Yobama alot and he's always lying!
  23. Which pres. said Al Quida is on the run?
  24. 77

    obama's Son?

    No Obama will take care of him just like Lois Learner and Holder and the ever lying Susan Rice! One thing you can say bout Yobama he takes care of the folks who do his dirty work!
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