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Everything posted by 77

  1. 77

    gun free zones!

    Liberal utopia!!!!!
  2. Obama's awesome yall know none of that is true! He's to busy lookin out for the little guy remember thats why theres so many broke little guys!
  3. 77

    gun free zones!

    Outlaw guns and only outlaws have guns!
  4. I am sure the Obama lovers have a good reason why this is ok but I'am not to sure! [Hidden Content]
  5. More emails! [Hidden Content]
  6. people better wake up to what this guy is doing!
  7. The troops should be his priorities because he is their direct commander and chief this man should be an embarrassment to those that constantly run to his defense but obviously their ideology will not permit them to think for themselves or to care about the very people that fight and die so they can sit in their ivory tower and blame everyone else for the woes of this incompetent leader! jmo
  8. This is the MO of this pres. He jumps up real fast and says we cant tolerate this we will get to the bottom of it blah blah then we find out after lawsuits, about more emails on IRS deal constant lies on Benghazi and now lets see what he says about the VA mess what do ya wanna bet he says the same thing. Transparency my a$$!
  9. I guess some things are more important than others to some folks!
  10. [Hidden Content] This Pres. wants to make being in the military as bad an experience as possible so folks will quit joining and he can shrink the size therefore reducing the US power! jmo
  11. The video to me means that this admin. will lie about anything at any time to further their agenda which at the time was to get re-elected so I cant trust them on their word at all! jmo
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. because we do know they withheld emails until recently and they lied about the protest so they have proven they cant be trusted!
  14. Sam got him a little snowflake!
  15. one thing we know is Martin jumped on the wrong man!
  16. 77


    Soon he will have the military that thinks just like him and the agenda can gather some speed! [Hidden Content]
  17. 77


    about the only place you can get the whole story! (fox)
  18. 77


    idiots! [Hidden Content]
  19. 77


    And I think your terribly misguided are blinded by your racism! jmo
  20. And I see a black teen was bouncing a Hispanics head off the ground and he got tired of it! jmo
  21. 77


    [Hidden Content]
  22. If he was not on the scene and an eye witness this dont mean squat!
  23. Well that pretty well sums Obama years up, cant wait to here the excuse!
  24. dang should have spoke up sooner!
  25. One just cant argue with facts and she states a bunch of them! [Hidden Content]
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