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Everything posted by 77

  1. I never said he was anything other than a Christian your putting words in my mouth!  I just think he is a Muslim extremist sympathizer but you are entitled to your opinion! jmo
  2. 77

    gun free zones!

    And once again you want to blame the gun instead of the shooter!
  3. His actions speak much louder than his words!
  4. I like the good doctor Ben!
  5. 77

    gun free zones!

    Over medicating is part of the problem! jmo
  6. 77

    gun free zones!

    Parenting problem!
  7. What if he calls them teabaggers ,oh nevermind he already did!
  8. 77

    gun free zones!

    cant stop all of them but the more sane folks that are armed will slow it down! jmo
  9. typical elitist! Vote em all out! [Hidden Content]
  10. cant stand by a habitual liar sorry you go ahead!
  11. 77


    [Hidden Content]
  12. My guess is that very soon the admin. is gonna drone some folks and say we got the ones responsible to try and tamp this down  really thought it would have happened by now! jmo
  13. My bad he got picked right after I posted , good for Browns!
  14. Someone ask Mr. football to get the lights when he leaves!
  15. Unless you work for the govt!
  16. just one lie after another! [Hidden Content]
  17. Harry reid is a stone cold solid idiot! Under Obama and his posse black unemployment is over 11% and hispanic is over 9% and he claims republicans are dumpin on these folks! [Hidden Content]
  18. Here is something the state run media wont tell ya about! [Hidden Content]
  19. thats what I said they have a different point of view so why should they be fired?
  20. The homosexual community is fine with you unless you dont agree 100% with them! Nonsense, where's your tolerance. Their strategy is working which is to have less people speak out on what the believe in fear of losing their job  sounds like discrimination to me! jmo
  21. Cant make this stuff up! [Hidden Content]
  22. 77

    gun free zones!

    here's one for all the haters of the 2nd amendment! [Hidden Content]
  23. 77

    gun free zones!

    to kill or protect?
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