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Everything posted by 77

  1. More folks on govt. asst is because of lack of job creation because of fed restrictions and obamacare!
  2. No not because of all the takers it is strictly because of skin color nothing to do with character!
  3. Could you imagine the media slobbering on this with the revs if it were the other way around I bet Obama and Holder would even have something to say but hey its just a black conservative women nothing to see here! [Hidden Content]
  4. Obama supporters are not interested in the truth but it would be different if it were their relatives that were killed! Obama does no wrong in the eyes of the Obama media and folks who dont care what the real unemployment rate is, are the fact that all Americans except the rich (which he wails against) are worse off now than they have been in a long time especially the black community that will stick by him no matter what for one simple reason!
  5. I know plenty of folks paying more for insurance! 
  6. 77

    gun free zones!

    Legally felons cant buy guns but most criminals dont abide by the law imagine that!
  7. 77


    Hillary will be a pleasure after having this loser we got now!
  8. He should go back to Illinois and get back to community organizing and constant campaigning  thats what he is good at!
  9. Redistribution of wealth!!!!
  10. You know bad things happen and I'am ok with that but the fact that they lied and are still trying to lie thats what is so bad! Not to mention the other things he has goin on ya know like the IRS targeting, wonder if their still supplying guns to the cartel? Lord knows the state run media isint going to ask!
  11. And more elusive now than ever thanks to his agenda! [Hidden Content]
  12. 77

    gun free zones!

    The left is so misguided! 
  13. I have a novel idea lets put some blame and responsibility on the politicians ( both sides) for taking said bribes thats what we do everywhere else such as police schools etc. So many people have bought into the elitist politicians argument that the rich are buying the govt. but who are they buying you ask, the very ones pushing this  nonsense all the while lining their pockets . It must be a red flag when a person will spend millions of their own $$$ to get a job that only pays $175,000 a yr. Wake up folks....Vote em all out term limits is the way to fix this.
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. I hear Clayton Bigsbey was gonna be the new owner!
  16. Obama ran on making a change in the way DC does business(even I had some hope) then we find out that was his biggest lie of all. He does nothing lest it equals political gain. The black unemployment rate in this country is above 11% and the number of people dropping out of the work force is at all time highs and you dont hear a peep from the leaders and hate mongering revs except that big companies are evil and the minimum wage should be higher . If anybody else was in office right now there would be outrage so the fact that so many people still hang on is every word and think he is the savior does not surprise me at all!
  17. There in lies the problem with society today! nuff said!
  18. He said if you like your plan you could keep it period . Said you could keep your doctor thats 2 lies right there. Said he was gonna close gitmo #3 he said the killings in Benghazi were started by protest #4 two rouge IRS agents in Cincinnati #5   this can go on all night!
  19. 77

    gun free zones!

     Every gun I've ever bought from a dealer I've had to fill out extensive paperwork with all my info on it!  The criminals dont buy guns from dealers most of them are stolen by the scum that misuses them!
  20. He as lied so many times since he has been in office and lied to get in office all one has to do is go back and listen to the words out of his own mouth to know he lies regularly and it does not phase him a bit so call me asinine all you want but my daddy didnt raise any fools like some folks pops did! I will not stand behind a liar or a thief!
  21. How do you know he's not?
  22. Nobody minded cashin them paychecks til now!
  23. Obama is the biggest liar in history to further his agenda. If you like your plan you can keep it comes to mind, and for every person you count that obamacare helps I can count one who's cost went up!
  24. You never heard me say a word about Reagan!
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