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Everything posted by 77

  1. 77

    Yes We Can!

  2. [Hidden Content]  This guy is just like Eric Holder! Want to take our guns but dont have a problem giving them to the bad guys!
  3. Even though they are all liars some are not as good at it as Obama Reid Pelosi!
  4. It shows these people only care about one person and thats themselves! If they weren't up for election they could care less!
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. Obama may want to pick him up sounds like a good fit for his admin.
  7. I think she has it about right! [Hidden Content]
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. 77

    Scott Walker

    Birth control is free if you cant afford it so I dont believe that would stop abortion. 
  10. I do believe on the first day ole Lois Learner apologized to the tea party folks for being targeted if thats the case and we all believe Learner then obviously they were targeted. DUH!!!
  11. 77

    Scott Walker

    My grandmother never voted democrat until she died!
  12. 77

    Scott Walker

    Not a union hater but unions have lost there way in my opinion, they are no longer looking out for there members and workers all they are is a fund raising arm for the democratic party while they line the pockets of the politicians and the big union bosses! jmo
  13. 77

    Scott Walker

    Left just hates to see tax cuts!
  14. Look at what that evil Walker is up to now! [Hidden Content]
  15. Same could be said for rev. Al and Jessie but the left loves them but hey I guess racism only works one way!
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Lefties prefer a good liar over a guy that speaks his true beliefs! ie; BHO
  18. My point wasnt so much the cost of the trip but the fact that there is no report of $$$ spent. No press! C-MON man we are paying for it!
  19. Guess she feels it is unimportant to let the peons paying for her lavish lifestyle know what it cost us and you wont hear a peep from the state run media. The libs would be going crazy if the shoe was on the other foot as they should be! [Hidden Content]
  20. So iam guessing that would be taxpayers dollars, wonder if they let the town vote on that?
  21. I guess she figures the pres. can lie and get away with it she should too!   [Hidden Content]
  22. Keep on pissin off the libs Ted it helps with their lack of tolerance!
  23. You can never get the folks with Obama drops running down their chins to believe he as ever done anything wrong are dishonest! They wont even admit he lies when you show them the tape of the lie in progress. Photo shop I guess.  Oh and Bush lied but I thought thats why we wanted a new pres. so that would stop. Guess not! jmo
  24. They must have something to hide! [Hidden Content]
  25. 77


    Most crooked non transparent admin. ever!   [Hidden Content]
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