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Everything posted by 77

  1. money laundering for the DNC thats all this is oh and to kill mostly black babies!
  2. thanks to Yobama! LOL
  3. do you seriously think Clinton did nothing wrong?
  4. repubs dont like Trump anymore than the dems because they know he is there for the people and not to continue the ruse of making themselves filthy rich off the taxpayers!
  5. if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..........
  6. in just 6 months. It makes a huge difference when you have a President pulling for America versus one like our last that was pulling for everyone but America!
  7. I am still waiting on my $2500 reduction in my health premium!
  8. obama had the media on his side and would not report on anything that did not make him look good and had no leaks going on. Obama didn't have to tweet he sent people out on all the Sunday shows just to tell out right lies and that is a fact nobody can dispute!
  9. if only the media would have gone after the corrupt Obama admin. half as hard as they have Trump Obama and his crooked admin would have gone down in flames but when the ends justify the means they will stop at nothing! "Rules for Radicals" playbook is being carried out right in front of our eyes!
  10. should, I bet they would fix it and John would lead the charge!
  11. 77

    I Remember

    so the folks unwilling to earn a diploma are guaranteed one just like the folks who earned theirs and guarantees that you will get to go to the the front of the line for college admissions judged on the color of your skin rather than your merit thats why folks like big girl want the federal govt. in the education bizz!
  12. nothing to see here you peons move along oh look at all that Russia stuff!
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. he's crooked as the rest of them!
  15. 77


    Most on the right are and all on the left are!
  16. 77


    Obamacare was designed to fail to institute single payer and I am not so sure these spineless republicans are not reaching for the same goal. JMO
  17. wait , didn't the dnc interfere with old Bernie's election?
  18. Insane indeed!
  19. abortion is between the mother and her God I just dont think it should be done on my dime.
  20. imagine that!
  21. 77


    we should be taking care of our veterans and quit sending billions overseas to folks that hate our way of life!
  22. wow
  23. but obama did absolutely nothing to stop the killing.
  24. leftys hate it when someone turns the table on them and treats them as they have been treating others! LOL
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