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Everything posted by 77

  1. More fallout from the state run media! [Hidden Content]
  2. It amazes me how when a black man agrees with  a white man or opposes a black man the angry black men appear and start calling him names!
  3. I would say the same about Obama but add he is a huge liar!
  4. what was it when Bush left office Iam guessing $1.85   Yobama said energy prices will soar if he has his way. Hopefully that will be another of his many broken promises and will work in the favor of the workin man instead of the elite ruling class!
  5. prices were not this high when Bush left office! never said they didnt make money I'am talkin about what the liar and chief is doing now that is gonna hurt us regular folks  who he claims to want to help! ,!? ' just so you can insert where needed.
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. ! You, can,read and believe Als stuff all you want! thats your choice; Just hope the gas prices arent to rough on all those middle class folks your savior is supposedly helping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,""?!
  8. Hell I dont know if its warmer are not I do know its been a very cold winter at my house and I doubt you know if its warmer your just listening to those you put on a pedestal and think can do no wrong. Obamas agenda is not helping America and if thats okay with you thats fine with me the new laws epa are putting in place are fixing to make your gas prices go up and also the price of autos but hey maybe you can afford it but I dont think I can! I think we should vote em all out ! jmo
  9. The dollar comment was about the politicians getting rich off their climate agenda! But hey they get rich off the gun lobby and just about everything else they do! Do they not think that supplying electricity for cars will not also be bad for the environment?
  10. Gods in charge of that not Al Gore!jmo
  11. And as usual you take what you want out of a debate and use that. What do you think about the rest of the comment, I dont think you can deny any of it!
  12. Global warming/climate change is the biggest hoax perpetrated on the American people except for Obama thats ever occurred. All one has to do is follow the money trail and it leads right to the pockets of politicians . Kinda like the whole gun debate. The folks that want to take your guns are the ones surrounded by bodyguards with guns just like the ones that want to put you in a piece of s#%^ electric car are crisscrossing the globe in private jets that we pay for and riding around in town cars and suburbans while 3 or 4 more follow with their bodyguards! jmo 
  13. [Hidden Content] I think it will be hard for even the most loyal Obamabot to deny his actions closely resemble old Sauls rules!
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. I believe quite a few have been killed under Yobamas watch!
  16. Continued lies seem to take a toll on ones health always has always will! It puts a heavy burden on a person!
  17. kinda like the voter id law i guess  ?  I think at the recent NAACP march that was held attendees had to show ID guess they were trying to keep poor blacks from attending the march.Please give it a break! Folks have no problem making it to the SS office or welfare office when need be bet they are smart enough to make it to  vote!
  18. $12,000 dress for the first lady that claims to be for the little man, C-mon man!
  19. fairness is when a guy takes a job that pays few hundered thousand a year and his wife shows up in this! Hypocrites and liars they are for sure!!!!! [Hidden Content]
  20. Seems very strange! [Hidden Content]
  21. [Hidden Content]
  22. Whoever is issuing executive orders is in the wrong! So if Bush was doing it like Obama why were you not happy with Bush, seems they think alike on alot of things such as spying on the American people! 
  23. Surely the liberal left will not stand for this, oh never mind its under king obamas watch so I guess its ok! [Hidden Content]
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