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Everything posted by Jbay15

  1. 1. The reason it is so quiet is because by law, if I am not mistaken, Coach Thompson is not allowed to discuss applicants for the job until 10 days after the jobs was posted vacant, not after the resignation of Coach Green. Therefore, on July 15, which is Saturday, he can officially discuss the applicants. 2. Tonight, PAISD had a school board meeting, and of course due to the laws, no hire may be made, but from a very reliable source, I have not heard that the school board would be hiring anyone on Monday at their special board meeting. Also, it is to my knowledge that Coach Thompson and Dr. Weeks will be making the hire of the new head coach, and not the school board. 3. The players of Memorial High School, are looking forward to the new coach, and are optimistic about whoever he may be. Also, some of the players would prefer Coach Jackson, majority of which are seniors; the younger players seem to want some one different, and as one of the seniors, along with the senior captain, we've come to the decision that the new coach would more so effect the younger classes rather than us. Therefore, hopefully the best decision is made. P.S. As soon as information is made available to me, I will post what I know.
  2. True he did, but he had a contract with PAISD, just as Coach Green did, and they each signed new contracts, as long as it is not stated in his contract, he will be able to apply, which is also something Coach Green wants to happen.
  3. I've been on plenty of websites discussing the issue if who should be the new Memorial coach, and every person has their opinion, but not one person has seem to have spoken with us, the players. I am currently a senior (to be) on the Memorial HS basketball team, and after speaking with a few of my classmates, as well as our parents would prefer to have Coach Jackson as our coach. Though he took an asst. coaching position at WB, that does not mean he is ineligible to apply, and he should be considered first for the position being that he already knows the players, and their capabilities in our program. Again this is coming from the voices that have not been heard!
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