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Everything posted by VOR80

  1. It appears that everyone is overlooking the real issue here. The students were not banned from the game for not wearing shirts. They were told by administration more than once during the game that they had to wear shirts. They made a decision to deliberately disregard what they had been told and were then told to leave the game. It is called insubordination and disrespect. Unless things have changed, there are usually consequences when students disregard what they have been told by teachers or administrators. I totally support the SCRUBS and their desire to bring school spirit to the field on Friday nights. My question is do they have to remove their shirts to do this? I have noticed several of the SCRUBS wearing T-shirts with SCRUBS on the front and "a cheerleaders inspiration" on the back. Can they not support our football team (since that is their purpose right?) wearing shirts? It appears to me that a few of the SCRUBS are making this about them and not about school spirit.
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