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  1. Let me help you. In removing DEI from the government, the administration has removed obstacles such as set asides such as requiring a certain number of contractors or minimum of anything. So they can’t hold contracts for certain people or companies That has been taken to mean in this political opinion piece, that we can now return to segregated lunch counters. When the article brought up that the Civil Rights Act was still in place and discrimination is against the law, the response was….. “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 still bars discrimination, and segregated facilities, in the United States. But civil rights groups have feared that Mr. Trump’s war on D.E.I. programs has signaled the federal government’s willingness to retreat from enforcing it”. So… we fear that something may happen. Nothing has happened and nothing has been proposed. But by golly, we know that he has something up his sleeve!!! It is more meaningless dribble. It is an, “in our opinion” piece. More hard core journalism. 🤣
  2. Why would voucher money go to a public school? I thought each school got a certain amount for each student. So if a kid left HF and went to HJ, his standard fee from the state would follow him. Correct?
  3. 🤣🤣🤣 Accuse? Where do you come up with your rationale? Feel free to show any comment where anyone on this forum defends a child being molested.
  4. Westbrook at Nederland Nederland 9-0
  5. It’s $31B that wasn’t in taxes. Apparently 1/3 of the money from gambling known as the lottery goes to schools and 2/3 goes to the players. That 1/3 set aside pays about a week worth of education statewide. Is that a ripoff? Let’s go out on a limb and say 100% went to schools. Of course, then the question comes up, who would play the game if they were never any winner? But let’s set that aside for now and just say that every dollar someone spends on the lottery goes back to the schools. So instead a funding one week worth of schooling in each school year, the lottery at 100% returned to the state, would pay for only three weeks. Is that a problem with the program or the way it was sold or the fact that that’s just how many people are playing? At 1/3 is a pretty good profit for a voluntary program but even doubling it to 2/3 would only pay for two weeks of schooling. 🤔
  6. Kelly had his fingers crossed behind his back. 🤞🏼
  7. Ridiculous? You throw up your logical fallacy straw man as a response. Who on the left defends this stuff? Classic! So who on the right in this forum defends child molestation? Surely even you can see the folly of your rationale. On second thought….. 🤣
  8. TDS is in full display from CB. Better hope TDS as a mental illness doesn’t become law. 😂😂😂 I am sure that no Democrat, especially at the state level, has ever been charged in a child sex crime Oh wait… [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Yep, better hope TDS doesn’t become a certified mental illness. We know it exists however…. 😎😎😎
  9. The conservatives aren’t anti-green. That is yet another logical fallacy. They are against forced actions. I had never seen conservatives or Trump tell people not to buy electric cars. They are against the government forcing companies to make electric cars and giving thousands of dollars of incentives for people to buy them. If you want to buy an electric car and run your home off of solar panels, go for it. The demand for electric vehicles is small with the government wants to force people‘s decisions. That is what confused you… Again.
  10. I have seen claims saying that this is a racist situation. The local (there) NAACP came out in support of the attacker. I guess no support for the victim who was assaulted. There was a rally to support the girl charged in the crime. She is being targeted supposedly. Please ignore what you saw on the video.
  11. What immunity has Israel been given?
  12. I think she would have been better off admitting it and immediately. She could have pleaded that she had a horrible spur of the moment reaction, it was neither her parents nor coaches fault as they taught her to do the right thing but she messed up. Now she has gone on international news and claimed basically that is being railroaded with her fake crying. It’s hard to have sympathy and her parents just spurred on the situation so we see where she probably gets it from.
  13. Anytime you think, this Bizzaro World can’t get any crazier, the Dems come up with a new one…..
  14. WHAT? Don’t people run races, especially sprints, with their left arm across their chest, and their right hand raised above their head??
  15. I am assuming that most people have seen the race where one girl beat the other in the head with a baton. She had a tearful interview that seems to have gone viral where she proclaimed that it was not intentional. She has now been charged with assault. [Hidden Content]
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