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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Not a hard call….
  2. Yep. All were being rude but that is a different issue. They shouted and shut up. Al Green stood there yelling, was given an admonishment and told to return to his seat. He continued with his tantrum. It’s like crossing a street against the red light and nobody gets hurt. Then compare that to someone who beat another person up and put him in the hospital. The Democrats would have you believe that since they are both crimes, they are equal. Uhhh…… no.
  3. Trump needs to just start line item vetoing some of this congressional money.
  4. It sounds like fake news. Just sayin’…….
  5. Is all of your numbers facts or is it speculation? Like I asked, is there a cutoff for the vounchers? I gave the example of $50,000. Is it $100,000? You say that if a less fortunate family doesn’t take the voucher, the banker is allowed to take it? Is that true so there is no threshold of family income? I need to find a page that has the facts but I keep seeing political pages with proponents from both sides which is useless.
  6. So the outage is fake. The mass protests and attempting to hide illegal aliens is all false since Biden did more. Got it!! The Democrats faked news in order to promote a false narrative. Any other admissions that you want to make?
  7. Is that in the law or are you guessing? That’s why I have no opinion because I have no idea what the bill says. What if the bill says that the family cannot have a household income of over $50,000 to qualify? Is that for the rich or a family that could likely not even consider a private school? On the Kelly HS website they show tuition at $13,570. If the voucher system restricts the household income, like I suggested at $50K, would a student be able to use the $10,000 as the full amount if Kelly accepts the voucher as paid in full or basically writing off $3,570 the other $3,570? Or what if the family could afford the $3,570 but not the full amount? Is a $50,000 household income considered “people with money” as you suggested? Again, I have no clue as to what the bill says but I have seen a lot of speculation or claims. I only went to public schools and have never had children so I don’t have a dog in the hunt. I am curious about some of the claims that I read. So, IF the vouchers were only for low income families, would it matter to you if it wasn’t used by people with money? As you claim, you couldn’t afford private school with or without a voucher. If my scenario was correct that a high school might accept the voucher as a paid in full tuition, would you consider it or are you simply against the voucher concept and I know that some people are?
  8. Every time a student transfers, the district loses money. Every family that decides to homeschool causes the district to lose money. What is fair about a 9th grader who can’t read at a 3rd grade level? What is the incentive for some schools to correct their abysmal performance? That is where standardized testing came from but it didn’t improve the system. It only highlighted the failures. I am assuming that the threat of a district losing money might be that carrot in front of the horse. You don’t want a district to lose money. Neither do I but I read the stats of failing schools and hate that more.
  9. What in this article shows the bill isn’t fair to public schools? All that I saw was a vote count from the House from two years ago. Is it the same bill from the previous session? What if anything was changed this session? Who gets the money, how much and under what conditions? I have no opinion on vouchers because I have no clue what it is. I know basically it is to fund private schools for supposedly the underprivileged but as they say, the devil is in the details. What are the details?
  10. Who knows? It’s a hot button topic and the issue that may be left is the conference committee and if they can iron out the differences. A bill cannot be engrossed and sent to the governor’s desk unless the Senate and House agree word for word on the compromise bill or even no compromise at all. One side could double down and just say take it or leave it. With such a narrow vote (I think) I could see one house or the other standing firm.
  11. Not much…… Another rocket today for 42 satellites put into orbit in two days, an exploration mission to the Moon and prepping the launch pad to send 4 astronauts into space in less than two weeks.
  12. SpaceX launched two rockets yesterday. I believe one was a mission to the moon and one put 21 satellites in orbit. The stages of the Rockets were recovered to be used again. The satellite mission was critical because it cleared the launch pad for a mission in less than two weeks to launch astronauts to the International Space Station. Feel free to have another company step up and launch multiple rockets per day with different missions and have to hurry and clear the pad so they can send people to the ISS. If Musk had remained a Democrat, that side of the aisle would be crowing this as a stunning accomplishment.
  13. Anything (particularly a single set of laws) that takes almost 7,000 pages to explain, is utter nonsense
  14. Then why all the protests? Are they protesting status quo? 😂😂😂
  15. Trump 4 year deficit: $5.5T Biden 4 year deficit: $7.7T Biden ran up 40% more than Trump. Biden had the worst 4 years by far than any president. Before pointing fingers and making predictions, you might want to clean up your own act. There might have been another $10T added but it would have been from the guy that just left office. 🤣🤣🤣
  16. Found it. These quotes from the Beaumont Enterprise in September 2019. “DeGuerin responded to that during his questions to the jurors, revealing that he was not charging Walker for his services.” “’I’ve been working for Calvin Walker for 10 years,” DeGuerin said. “And the money ran out a long time ago. I am working this case pro bono. I am here because I believe in Calvin Walker, and I believe in the good work he did for BISD.” Here if the link but it might require a subscription. I have one but I think they allow a couple of views before a subscription is needed. [Hidden Content]
  17. Yeah, the “money ran out” sounds like a convenience. Gee, when they come to collect the bills, you don’t have any money. 😉
  18. Going back into my memory again, which can be dangerous…. I thought at Walker’s last appearances, particularly the actual trial, DeGuerin doing it pro bono. DeGuerin claim something like Walker had run out of money and DeGuerin was going to follow it through to the end or something to thateffect.
  19. All the more reason to think that it is a sorceress pursuit as you suggested.
  20. Put him in prison and let him spend his money in there for a couple of years.
  21. Bondi just fired the Chief Legal Counsel for the ATF. If she was the architect over recent ATF rulings, good riddance. Hopefully Loper-Bright will slow some of it down.
  22. Reading slows down the false accusations. Can’t have that……
  23. I thought when they changed the law maybe 30 years ago, the sentence could be over 10 years but the probation time was capped at 10 years. I arrested a woman for endangering a child and she was given the maximum of 20 years on a plea deal but it was probated for the 10 year maximum. That was in maybe 1998.
  24. Yep….. TDS has not dissipated. It is probably more intense now but with fewer people spitting it out. Musk is an auditor. It’s like hiring an accounting firm to audit a bank. The auditors can only point out the discrepancies and/or wasted money. The banking institution is the only one that can make changes or ask for criminal charges. Musk is but the accounting firm asked to look at the books.
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