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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Asking if the county is going to pay your legal fees makes me wonder…. The county is the one prosecuting, they sure are going to pay your legal fees. As far as the attorney thing, it depends on your opinion. it would always be beneficial to have an attorney present when you talk to the police after you shoot someone. I say if you talk to the police because if you don’t talk, and you absolutely have the right to remain silent, you are likely going to jail and/or prison. The law says if you intentionally shoot someone, it is murder. So the police come to your house and there’s a dead guy in your living room. The law says that is murder. Chapter 9 of the Penal Code however says that they are justification for doing so. In my opinion it is going to be hard to claim a justification of self defense without claiming the justification which means you have to give some kind of statement. The state does not have to negate self-defense unless you bring up evidence at a trial. As far as the claim of thousands of dollars, I doubt that unless it goes to trial. In my career I have been to a few self-defense shootings and the ones I can think of off the top of my head, the shooter did not go to jail. To my knowledge the shooter did not hire an attorney and the district attorney presented a case to a grand jury who returned a No Bill. With no indictment, the case was closed. A lot probably depends on the circumstances and maybe the county.A lot probably depends on the circumstances and maybe the county. If a guy kicks in your door at 2 AM, especially if you don’t know who it is, it is likely the case will go no further. The police will investigate and the DA will look into it but I would have a hard time believing any charges would be brought. If you are arguing with your neighbor in the front yard and for some reason it goes to a deadly for situation, you might be completely justified but it might be a little more complicated without a lot of witnesses and without a clear-cut reasoning for deadly force.
  2. Some of the rest replies on Facebook are hilarious and most of them have to be from someone upset about Elon Musk.
  3. Why does an insult have to be racist, homophobic, misogynistic, sexist, etc.? If I am mad at my neighbor and he is a white male heterosexual senior citizen, what am I if I call him a no good ¥0^€% ¥{}[<£& and a $&#^€!!? Why does anger necessarily have to be labeled as anything other than just anger?
  4. It is because the Democratic national party is corrupt. I am not talking about, “they all do it”. They might all line their pockets with lobbyist money and make backroom stock deals. I am talking about being in collusion with the media to stifle opposition. I am talking about pushing for voting rights for people who aren’t Americans as a means of getting a stranglehold on elections. This is a replay of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the socialist takeo…. it is just more subtle so as not to alarm the masses. Musk is not a conservative. He leans liberal or even progressive. He can see the destructive nature of what is happening however.
  5. The same blonde woman is driving down the road by herself and gets stopped by a blonde woman cop. The cop walks up and tells the blonde woman driver that she is speeding and she needs to see her drivers license. The blonde woman driver asked, what does a drivers license look like? The blonde woman cop said it has your face on it. So the driver digs around a while longer and finds a small mirror and looks at it and sure enough, there’s her face. So the blonde woman driver hands the mirror to the blonde woman cop who responds…. ”Why didn’t you tell me you were a police officer?”
  6. In the article it says that Johnson was arrested for “felony murder”. That leaves me with a ……. huh?? There is no such thing as a misdemeanor murder. But…. Within the Murder law in the Texas Penal Code (Sec. 19.02) there is a way to commit Murder without intent. Typically Murder is intentionally or knowingly taking another person’s life. That is fairly straight forward. There was another part added a few years ago that said if while committing or fleeing from another felony, a person kills someone by committing an act clearly dangerous to human life, it is Murder. An example is running a red light while trying to get away from a robbery, causing an accident that killed someone. That would still be PC 19.02 Murder but what is often called felony murder or killing someone (not intentionally) during or fleeing from a felony. So….. was this just a media mistake by using the term felony murder, perhaps unknowingly, that meant something different than what he was actually arrested for? It seems to me that if he shot the guy in the back of the head, that would simply be Murder or intentionally or knowingly taking another person’s life. There would be no accident while committing another felony. On another note, on a Facebook thread it was mentioned by someone that would likely be in a position to know or have contacts who may know, that the deceased may have been shot several times in the back of the head. If true that might tend to negate a claim of self defense.
  7. There seems to be a lot of coincidences happening.
  8. …. and legal with shall issue license in 21 other states. So in 46 states you can carry if you want to. Even Texas CC only did away with the $8 a year license and the 4 hour school.
  9. Actually I wasn’t discussing pro or con assisted suicide. I was talking about the fact that he intentionally broke the law. He had to be charged or they effectively end the law. Scenario: Any hot topic law State: We absolutely will not pass such a law. (Gambling, Assisted Suicide, Marijuana, etc.) Person Objecting In Public Statement: I don’t care about your stinking law, I am going to start by (opening a casino, start killing people, open a store front open air marijuana store, etc.) State: Okay, we will not enforce that law then. If you could negate any law simply by making a public statement against or for any law and then doing it, there would be no laws. THAT is only what I meant about agree/disagree. I was pointing out that you said he should not have been charged and I think the state had absolutely had no choice but to charge him. To do otherwise would be a de facto repeal of their own law. I am neither for nor against assistant suicide. It is a rare topic where I am not sure of my opinion.
  10. I was going to bring up a version of that. Many people (including me) said that Carter was happy because he was no longer seen as the worst president once Obama was concluded. Now Carter has dropped to number 3…… He is moving down fast in the rankings.
  11. Agree or disagree, I understand the assisted suicide debate. Kevorkian should have been charged and needed be charged. His response was, I don’t like the law so I am going to help kill a person.
  12. If they are terminal, what it the difference? Let’s see, he probably was going to die on Saturday but was in so much pain that he accidentally overdosed and died on Wednesday!! He was accidentally robbed out of up to 72 hours more of painful life!!!
  13. We had one in Port Acres many years ago where neighbors were arguing over a mailbox location…. on public land. One neighbor shot and killed two who were putting the mailbox back out. Another was over a bologna sandwich. Another, where I was the lead officer, was arguing over a shirt to wear and one brother shot another. He lived however. All the others died.
  14. Easy, he doesn’t know who he is….
  15. tvc184


    Conspiracy theorist!!!
  16. Keep trying. As Hippy pointed out, those traffic back ups on Cardinal and Eastex areas haven’t been happening for very long. Maybe those women just got jobs and cars in the last 15 years? I grew up in a fairly poor family and my mother had a car and job as did my grandmother going back into the 1960s. I don’t think we were an anomaly.
  17. I just started to post that on another site. I can almost guarantee that was Secret Service inside that bunny suit.
  18. Orange County has gone from 83k to 85k since 1980. Hatdin County has increased 15k since 1980 but only 1,590 people since 2010. The 3 counties that might directly have an effect on traffic, have increased only about 4,000 people in the last decade.
  19. Looking at Wikipedia, Jefferson County had 245k people in 1960. Now it’s around 252k, more than 60 years later.
  20. You are correct. This traffic has not been going on for 40 years. I believe that it is entirely a response to the massive energy sector projects we have going on in the area. For the first 20 years of my career, we would post off-duty jobs on a bulletin board and we were restricted to shift or assignment because there was so little to do to make extra money that we had to struggle to find off duty jobs. We don’t even post jobs on a bulletin board anymore. We have had area projects where we had to hire over 100 off-duty police officers in a single day to work traffic. My police department with almost 130 officers could not even come close to getting enough officers to work those jobs. We went to outside agencies, even from other counties to help us with traffic. I believe you’re correct that this problem has not been here for that long. Maybe for the last 10 to 15 years but certainly not 40 and 50 years ago and the population has not really increased.
  21. They have successfully made the police the enemy. This ranks up there as one of the most stupid and evil liberal social philosophies ever. It hurts the people that it aims or claims to protect.
  22. They were trying to get $5,000 in donations to buy a used car. When I just checked it was over $24,000.
  23. tvc184


    WHAT?? You don’t believe that she accidentally ran into Bill Clinton in a private hanger at a Phoenix airport and decided to go inside the jet to discuss things with Clinton but it was just about the grandkids, while the Secret Service stood guard at the airplane to make sure nobody answered?
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