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Explode heads? I think it’s comical.
BISD Board to consider naming stadium after Carrol “Butch” Thomas
tvc184 replied to bullets13's topic in Local Headlines
He was the superintendent for a few years and there was some corruption, mismanagement of the budget and I believe criminal prosecutions (the state came in and took over for several years) under his watch however he got out before it started going to court. It kind of reminds me of that hit song from the Steve Miller Band, Take The Money and Run. It has been pointed out in this and other forums, he was never accused and I have not even heard accusations against him personally. A lot of it certainly happened during his tenure however. -
BISD Board to consider naming stadium after Carrol “Butch” Thomas
tvc184 replied to bullets13's topic in Local Headlines
Nobody likes the “good ol’ boy” system until he’s a “good ol’ boy”. -
Worse, was the only person to bring us party.
You’ve got to be kidding, right? Maybe sarcasm. I have not defended the Republicans on this particular topic and both sides are just as guilty as you mentioned. YOU HOWEVER… said in reference to prosecuting, “Republicans” would never cut the own throats. Let’s see, the guy that interjects party affiliation, complains when……. someone mentions party affiliation. You only have to go back a couple of posts when UT Alum talked about prosecuting the employers and my answer was “without a doubt”. I never mentioned a party because they are both equally guilty. Of course, you can ignore the obvious.
Republicans? And just how many companies and company CEOs/presidents were prosecuted under 8 years of Obama and now well into the term of Biden? I am not going to hold on my breath while I wait for that list…..
Without a doubt. Hurry would be more like instantly. The law says so but…….
This is going back many years but before it became more popular, I am fairly certain that Nederland was in 4A but competed in 5A soccer. That was back before they had 6A.
And when they return it is a felony, I believe with up to two years in prison. That is current law on the books. How many do you have to sentence to prison before it is not worthwhile to cross the border? I always hear things like, well you can’t catch them all. Absolutely not. But when there is no incentive not to cross, why not make the attempt? If you cross the border and the law is enforced and there is a 50-50 likelihood that you will be stopped at some time and put in jail for at least six months and then be deported, if you return it will change to two years, how likely are you to try to do it again? How many people are going to come over knowing the odds? The odds now are so low and with no effort to enforce the law except at the border itself, it is almost comical. It is like putting out information such as, everyone knows it is against the law to steal from a store however the state of Texas is going to institute a new policy of never enforcing that law. If you get caught, you will only have to put the items back on the shelf and leave the store for that day. If you get away with it, you get to keep all of the items. Gee…. all stores are going bankrupt. But back to the original supposition, people are not crossing the border to work menial jobs at minimum wage or less in slave like labor that other people will not take. Notwithstanding, there are people being held as slaves or essentially so and even in this area. I have been on a raid where a two-story home was divided up into about 32 apartments. Those apartments or walls put up to make rooms were about 8‘ x 8‘ or less. The master bedroom had four apartments inside of it. A large living room might had six or eight apartments. People were being brought over illegally, possibly by ship, possibly kidnapped and being held. The one I was on had the house rules written in about eight different languages. I am fairly certain that these people being held while working off their pay to be free at probably five dollars an hour working in restaurants. Then they were charged room and board so basically what they made went right back to the owners. Those weren’t the people however in most cases crossing the border, in my opinion.
Working in the construction trade making $30 an hour or more is hardly jobs that those lazy Americans won’t do. There is a an unjustified racial stereotype of people crossing the southern border as underpaid nannies, lawn workers, concrete finishers and so on. While certainly some people do that (job skills from any nationality or race), to think that millions of people are here for menial jobs is a joke. Only as an anecdote, I stopped a suspicion vehicle a few years ago after a person called in that there was people taking photos of a critical infrastructure facility under construction. While not illegal if on public property (it could possibly be trespassing if not ) I found the vehicle and the two men inside didn’t have state issued ID or a driver’s license. What they did have was official employment IDs from that job site. It kind of makes me wonder how people without proper identification could get jobs at a critical infrastructure site but that’s for another story. I asked them about no ID and both without hesitation said that they were illegally in the country. So on the side of the road I contacted INS (or ICE, I don’t remember if they had made the switch yet) and INS/ICE had me take them into custody and place an immigration hold on them. They were angry and said something like, we have been doing this for years and nobody ever cared. The point of it is, I believe they were welders on an important job site, without state credentials/ID but with work identification and probably making compared to today’s salaries, about $50 an hour. I could give you more such stories if you wish. This was under the George W Bush administration when many immigration laws were enforced. If that was back then, what about today? I never looked into the pictures they were reported to have been taken. They were legally on the job site and probably sending pictures home showing where they worked…. assuming they ever took any photos.
That is another fallacy.
Because if every job paid enough money to support a family, inflation would result. That means all minimum jobs would have to quadruple if a family of 4 with one income. So a guy gets married and his wife stays home with 2 children. That requires about $32 an hour now. That is not counting states like California, New York and New Jersey. That would be more like $40 an hour minimum. Start paying stockers at the local supermarket $32 an hour as well as the person waiting the counter at Whataburger and see what happens to inflation. If McDonald’s had 5 employees working at that rate, they would have to take in almost $1,500 in sales just to pay the salaries for an 8 hour shift …. without a single benefit. Toss in the cost of food, electricity, water and sewer, etc., and if they aren’t selling $3,000 in an 8 hour shift, they are going to go under. That comes up to the cashier ringing up a sale of at least $6.25 every minute for eight hours. That is not to make a profit, that is to break even. So unless there are about 40 people standing at the counter for the next eight hours waiting to order, they aren’t going to make it. I could do a lot more math but every job should not be and was never intended to be a living wage throughout history. Yes, a living wage for every job is a myth. Of course you could have 3 single guys moving into an apartment together and they each would only need to make about $8 an hour each. I doubt that is what anyone thinks about when discussing living wages.
The living wage on all jobs is a myth. The moment that all jobs become a living wage, the lower paying jobs will no longer have a living wage.
A couple of generations ago we were told that corporal punishment was not the answer. Over 5,000 years of human history of raising children was all wrong. What they need is being put in timeout, on campus suspension, have their cell phones taken away for 30 minutes, etc. That way they will not learn violence and will not use violence against other people. They will only learn to be pacifist. It has worked out so well……
The dog sold it to some cat he met on the street….
Yep, I can think of several. It sounds like a case of the Ivory Soap calling the sugar, white.
Also, I think I’m pretty good at attacking the issue and not the person. There are others in this forum. In fact I don’t think I have ever started a political thread. Of the many posts I have made in this form, how about 90% of the political threads I do not even commented on. If you look at the current list of topics, Get Woke, Fraudulent Election, Joebama Regimen, Trump Social Truth, 40 Billion Unaudited, Joebama Inflation and ston, I have not made a single comment. The reason is that I don’t do ad hominem attacks (and I am not alone and there are others). I on occasion call out people from my side of the aisle for being wrong and agree on occasion with the other side of they make a point. The mere fact that you stated Steve Nash was the “only person” is in itself an attack where you started a thread to protest against it. It is interesting that you started this topic and then used a broad brush to include everybody with an opposing opinion.
Didn’t you just make an ad hominem attack on Trump and his supporters?
And I did not list of correction, just some of the problems. The corrections would be undoing those things.
The list is long and it will never be done. Parents have given the authority over their children to the school to act like babysitters. Schools have abdicated authority to the police. When you were in school, did you have any policeman in the hallways issuing citations for acting up in class? Did you even see a policeman at school? Schools are in fear of losing money so they will not get rid of students who do not need to be there for discipline or danger reasons. Corporal punishment is legal under Texas law but try to find a school district using it. Not allowing teachers to protect themselves against assaults by students. The federal government in the early to mid 1960s making it lucrative to have children out of wedlock. Do you want to keep going with the problems that will not be corrected?
Manchin again steps up and support the Republicans against the Democratic regime. He might as well go ahead and make it official and switch parties.
That meme was plastered all over Facebook and their “fact checkers” removed it as not true. They either don’t understand jokes, puns, innuendo, etc., or they are fully aware of what it meant but when jokes are politically against their progressive beliefs, they are removed under the guise of “disinformation”. Back to the humor…..
Yeah, if I liked the gamble, I would have lost money on that bet.
Yes, in some form they have to be. I can’t imagine any electrical technology in less than at least 100 years that can lift 400 people into the air…. unless we go back to dirigibles.