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Everything posted by tvc184
Manchin again steps up and support the Republicans against the Democratic regime. He might as well go ahead and make it official and switch parties.
That meme was plastered all over Facebook and their “fact checkers” removed it as not true. They either don’t understand jokes, puns, innuendo, etc., or they are fully aware of what it meant but when jokes are politically against their progressive beliefs, they are removed under the guise of “disinformation”. Back to the humor…..
Yeah, if I liked the gamble, I would have lost money on that bet.
Yes, in some form they have to be. I can’t imagine any electrical technology in less than at least 100 years that can lift 400 people into the air…. unless we go back to dirigibles.
Trust nothing of what you hear and about half of what you see.
I’m not sure what that has to do with my comment but I have never said otherwise. Does that mean that in 10 or 15 years, technology will not advance to the point of making it possible? Whether the answer is yes or no, if it does become reality it will be because of free enterprise and not because the government deep in to be so. Comparing an EV in 2015 to what will be available in 2035 would be like comparing my 1995 Pentium computer to my cell phone.
Frito Lay creates Cracker Jill to honor Women Sports
tvc184 replied to Unwoke's topic in Political Forum
I think Cracker Jill is a huge mistake as it identifies the product as female and therefore a non-gender neutral pronoun that might be offensive to someone. Maybe Cracka Non-Binary Person would be a better name. The problem with that is that they use an emblem of someone appearing to be female so it might be a transgender female. That would go back to Jack pretending he is Jill. So….. Frito Lay says we honor women in sports who have broken down barriers. The problem is that since we cannot define what a woman is, a transgender )male)female is considered just as much as a woman at one who was born with ovaries, the barrier being broken is men replacing women in all the record books by calling themselves female. You can’t make this stuff up. Go Democrats!! -
Yes. Therein lies the difference in the government mandating something as opposed to the free enterprise system figuring out a solution in order to make a profit.
The left, socialist, progressive are demented. They have a mental illness that is often openly displayed. Unfortunately in this football game of politics, a majority of the normal people who vote for the Democrats are unaware of or choose to ignore how far the lunacy has become. They have chosen a team and will go down with the ship rather than go in a different direction. It is OK to fly a Dallas Cowboys pennant from your car as they suffer through another losing season. I admire someone who will stick with their team through thick and thin. That has any effect on no one else but you however. When that team is a political party and is dragging you personally, your country and everything around you into the toilet, it may be time to root for another team. And easy example is that we use about 1,000,000,000 gallons of diesel and gasoline every two days in this country. Biden immediately on taking office, shuts down millions of acres of oil expiration area with a stroke of a pen. Gee, what effect will that have? So gas prices shot up to near record highest. He’s solution? I will allow a few million barrels from our national strategic reserve (which was meant to be a storage for the US military in case of war). That will be the answer to have prices!!! That will show OPEC!!! And within a few weeks??????? We have all time record fuel prices which will result in all-time consumer product prices. BUT….. it’s my team!! I have to fly that pennant! What does all of that have to do with abortion? It is the sick mindset of people driving the current DNC. I think that an overwhelming majority of the people who vote Democrat are just like everyone else and basically want the same thing as everyone else. They have chosen a team however that is full steam ahead in the fog and heading toward an iceberg while saying, “this ship can’t sink!”.
You are correct but….. The difference being that vaping is a free enterprise. This country, the free market/free enterprise in general was what spurred most of development in history. If someone can figure out a way to build an electric cigarette that works, is safe, economical and people willing to buy, awesome. That free enterprise is a far cry from the federal government taking trillions of dollars and forcing you to use a product which they are forcing to be created without free market constraints. There is a huge incentive for people to come up with an economic alternative to fossil fuels. Even if you could come close to matching the average price of a gasoline vehicle, imagine the money you can make (rivaling Elon Musk) if you could come out with a $30,000 electric car that is driven completely on solar power, even if it is cloudy, which would give you basically unlimited mileage for free. How are we charging stations, no additional load to the power grid, etc. What you put the purchase price of a car on the table, short of maintenance the car will not cost you anything for the next 20 years. at the current cost of gasoline, the vehicle would basically be free within a year. You couldn’t produce enough of them as people would be beating the path for the better mousetrap. I doubt that electric cigarettes and their improvements happened because the federal government was spending many billions of dollars forcing companies to produce them.
With all the crime and shootings going on in and around schools, they might be good to plug a bullet hole.
I arrested a guy for burglary doing the same thing. I don’t remember how many years he was sentenced to but was looking at a 20 year maximum. I was training a rookie officer and we got a call of a garage being broken into at about 3:30pm in the summer. The rookie was driving and we saw a guy mowing grass in the same area. For some reason it looked strange to me but he was just mowing grass. Then I started giving rapid fore directions to my partner which she didn’t understand. The one sided conversation went something like…. “Stop the car!! Get out and grab the guy mowing grass!… Hurry, hurry!!”. Standard rookie response…. “Huh…. What… ?”. Standard training officer response…. “Don’t ask questions, get him!”. It took a few seconds to figure out why I was confused but knew the guy was committing a felony. He was on his first cut after starting the mower. But…. he started at the sidewalk and was mowing straight into the middle of the yard. Basically he divided the yard in half with a push mower. I have mowed a yard a few million times and never made my first cut straight into tall grass. I always started by going around the outside and working my way in. This guy saw us coming and as an alibi, pull started the mower and started cutting. The problem is that he was going down the sidewalk and had no time to start where a person would typically start. The San Augustine grass was about 5” high (family was on vacation) and he dove straight into it. We handcuffed him immediately (obviously my decision) and I don’t remember if I or the rookie checked the garage but yep, the lock was pried off. The difference between a veteran officer and a rookie….. She went on to be a training officer herself and has been in detectives for a out 20 years with about 34 years on the job so far. No doubt learning what I was teaching.
I am hoping for a positive ruling on “shall not be infringed”. Talk about head exploding….
I read cases as part of my career but also even outside of my chosen profession, I read cases, sometimes amicus briefs, prior rulings and oral arguments. The only point of that is that from what I understand, typically after oral arguments, the justices decide in private of their decision. A decision might be released a couple of months later but it didn’t take several weeks to come to a decision. So from my understanding these cases might be concluded shortly after the case is presented. The Chief Justice then assigns the official response to a justice including himself. That might take quite a while to draft. Other justices can write a concurring decision or a dissent or join together for either. Apparently this case was decided a while back like normal but is not yet official. Could it change or could it be a well crafted hoax? Sure but I suspect someone (law clerk?) got his/her hands on it and could not wait. If it was actually leaked, true and just a guess then a law clerk for Sotomayor, Kagan or Breyer. From the document that I saw, it was a photo copy and not electronically taken. That tends to make me feel more it is more likely real because data is easier to track. To simply use a copy machine and later upload it on some public server would make it harder (but likely not impossible) track the leak. On the other hand it could be completely fake but the scam artist has the same idea that I mentioned and used the photo copy appearance to further the ruse…..
I said it in the other thread but now we have MDS.
In addition to TDS we now have to add MDS.
That is putting it mildly. Binary: Consisting of two parts. Except for a very rare birth defect, babies are born with either male genitalia or female genitalia. Non-binary is that there are three or more options. It isn’t “binary” or two options? I wish one of the woke people would define what the third, fourth and fifth types of genitalia are.
As crazy as the things are in the world right now with many things making no sense whatsoever, this is just another straw on the camel’s back. The desire from the left to stifle any opposition should be scary to everyone. The very founding of this country listed in the first amendment was a ability to speak your mind. I don’t have to like what you are saying but unless you are threatening to kill someone or cause some other breach of the peace , like the classic yelling fire in a movie theater, you should have the right to say it. People on the left are having a meltdown like Dorothy just threw a bucket of water on them because the other side is allowed to express an opinion.
I don’t know if it is pathetic or hilarious or simply brainwashed that people that has some of them going off the deep end with Musk buying Twitter. To put it in simple terms, they are either mad that free-speech is allowed or they have no clue how repressive they have been with anybody that is not a robot. I have seen in this forum and several others, liberals, Democrats, etc. complaining of a conservative echo chamber. Have they looked in the mirror with Twitter? Talk about an echo chamber. It is like 50 million people get in there and repeat mantras like orange man bad, Republicans want dirty water, etc. but if a person says, “No we don’t”. in response we get….. HORRIBLE COMMENT!!! That person should be thrown off Twitter as he is trying to overthrow the country!! Many on the left are going out of their minds saying that this now opens the door for hate speech…. while not caring that much of what they call hate speech is protected under the First Amendment. BLM marches in the street chanting the police must die now and “pigs in a blanket, fry like bacon!!”. That is protected according to them and is not inciting violence or hate speech. If you respond by saying BLM is putting out hate speech, THAT is hate speech according to many on the left. How dare you criticize our sjw cause!? Again, I don’t know whether to think it is comical or pathetic or just downright disgusting.
That reminds me of a case of a drive by shooting I worked. My best friend of the Police Department actually rolled up as shots were being fired. He was actually about three blocks away and saw the smoke in the air and then saw the car speeding away. They were a various rounds fired but one of the weapons was a .45 pistol carrying ball ammo. One round went through the asbestos siding, the 1” 4” wooden wall underneath, the drywall/sheet rock after that, two layers of drywall going into the hall, two layers of drywall into a bedroom and came to rest in a wooden headboard. So the round end up going through the siding on the house, a 1”x4”, five sheets of drywall and embedded into a probably oak headboard on a bed.
Asking if the county is going to pay your legal fees makes me wonder…. The county is the one prosecuting, they sure are going to pay your legal fees. As far as the attorney thing, it depends on your opinion. it would always be beneficial to have an attorney present when you talk to the police after you shoot someone. I say if you talk to the police because if you don’t talk, and you absolutely have the right to remain silent, you are likely going to jail and/or prison. The law says if you intentionally shoot someone, it is murder. So the police come to your house and there’s a dead guy in your living room. The law says that is murder. Chapter 9 of the Penal Code however says that they are justification for doing so. In my opinion it is going to be hard to claim a justification of self defense without claiming the justification which means you have to give some kind of statement. The state does not have to negate self-defense unless you bring up evidence at a trial. As far as the claim of thousands of dollars, I doubt that unless it goes to trial. In my career I have been to a few self-defense shootings and the ones I can think of off the top of my head, the shooter did not go to jail. To my knowledge the shooter did not hire an attorney and the district attorney presented a case to a grand jury who returned a No Bill. With no indictment, the case was closed. A lot probably depends on the circumstances and maybe the county.A lot probably depends on the circumstances and maybe the county. If a guy kicks in your door at 2 AM, especially if you don’t know who it is, it is likely the case will go no further. The police will investigate and the DA will look into it but I would have a hard time believing any charges would be brought. If you are arguing with your neighbor in the front yard and for some reason it goes to a deadly for situation, you might be completely justified but it might be a little more complicated without a lot of witnesses and without a clear-cut reasoning for deadly force.
Vidor students suspended over racist videos and "KKK Jr" groupchat
tvc184 replied to wbfan's topic in Political Forum
Why does an insult have to be racist, homophobic, misogynistic, sexist, etc.? If I am mad at my neighbor and he is a white male heterosexual senior citizen, what am I if I call him a no good ¥0^€% ¥{}[<£& and a $&#^€!!? Why does anger necessarily have to be labeled as anything other than just anger? -
It is because the Democratic national party is corrupt. I am not talking about, “they all do it”. They might all line their pockets with lobbyist money and make backroom stock deals. I am talking about being in collusion with the media to stifle opposition. I am talking about pushing for voting rights for people who aren’t Americans as a means of getting a stranglehold on elections. This is a replay of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the socialist takeo…. it is just more subtle so as not to alarm the masses. Musk is not a conservative. He leans liberal or even progressive. He can see the destructive nature of what is happening however.
The same blonde woman is driving down the road by herself and gets stopped by a blonde woman cop. The cop walks up and tells the blonde woman driver that she is speeding and she needs to see her drivers license. The blonde woman driver asked, what does a drivers license look like? The blonde woman cop said it has your face on it. So the driver digs around a while longer and finds a small mirror and looks at it and sure enough, there’s her face. So the blonde woman driver hands the mirror to the blonde woman cop who responds…. ”Why didn’t you tell me you were a police officer?”