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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. That tiger hasn’t changed his stripes. He realizes (as he said/implied in this piece) tearing down statues of Lincoln and telling third graders that they are oppressors isn’t liberalism. Calling women “menstruating people” isn’t liberalism and is stupid. Just call them women. Bill Maher is still the complete liberal. He sees the absolute folly of the insanity happening in the world and knows where it is coming from. It isn’t coming from the Republican side of the aisle. Unfortunately for the Democrats (as demonstrated in this forum), no matter how crazy the world is turning (as caused by them), they feel compelled to defend the insanity because to do otherwise would seem like an endorsement of the opposing party. That is nonsensical garbage. Democrats and Republicans should join hands and say that removing history is wrong. Banning books and trying to rewrite history is wrong. Calling people oppressors or victims by the color of their skin is wrong. Men should not be allowed to compete as women because they can’t beat other men or because they are feeling pretty that day. The Republicans can still have the opinion that people should have the right to carry firearms without permission from the government or that abortion is wrong and Democrats can still have the opinion that Obamacare is a good thing or that we need more environmental friendly laws. Opposition is okay. Some things are just wrong though and Maher can see past his left side of the aisle opinion and call a duck a duck. A substantial percentage of Dems however don’t want to admit that the emperor has no clothes.
  2. NEWSFLASH: Lawyer claims someone is responsible!! Obviously Baldwin and others are responsible. Baldwin pulled the trigger and someone else handed him a loaded gun. I’m not a lawyer and didn’t sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I don’t think it took a law school doctorate to figure out that Baldwin and others were responsible.
  3. Is that like people that still think that the Democrats had nothing to do with the Steele dossier or the fake Trump impeachment evidence? Is that like the people who still think that Michael Brown had his hands up saying don’t shoot? Is that like the people that believe Tom Brady smashed his iPhone during the inflate-gate investigation just because it was time for a new phone? For six years they have been saying that Trump colluded with Russia and any claims to the contrary was Trumpsters ignoring the truth and to further their cult. Well, until Durham uncovered the truth. For six years they covered up the deceit but we are to believe that if voter fraud wasn’t uncovered in a couple of months, it can’t be true? You draw strange parallels and conclusions. I have not taken part in the discussions on various forums over election fraud but “zero evidence” is what other scams hang onto. Absence of evidence doesn’t mean evidence of absence.
  4. I’ve “heard” of Theron…..
  5. Well, not nearly as many thousands of businesses that will be lost with a single bridge shut down……. 😝
  6. The article is not news, it’s an opinion piece. Saying that governments shouldn’t be totalitarian states, people should not be killed for profit (forced vaccines to stay employed), the media hasn’t pushed an agenda to back up the government is “hatred”?
  7. Yeah, certainly no one has lost their jobs due to stupid and sometimes illegal/unconstitutional mandates. What rock have you been living under for the last two years? Have you somehow missed that many millions of Americans have lost their jobs from government overreach and many have been seriously injured and died from the vaccine? Exactly how many Americans will be unemployed because one bridge to Canada is shut down? Were you making the same comment when protesters took over part of Seattle, declared their own country, destroyed businesses, forced people out of work, committed crimes including murder and banned the police from entering to restore order? When asked how long it would be allowed to continue the mayor said that maybe it was a summer of love. Love??? (I know she was referring to 1967 San Francisco hippies) The mayor then stripped 100 police officers (I guess their jobs don’t count) from their jobs (a majority of whom were minorities according to union rules of last hired/first fired), forcing the only Black female chief in Seattle history to resign. Maybe your comments are only targeted to actual peaceful protests that are supported by conservatives and rational liberals who believe in freedom. I could go on but your comment has to be one of the most nonsensical posts I have ever seen that in this forum and that is saying something.
  8. I can’t remember any that really come to mind. Thinking of Annette Funicello however, I got to sit with her sidekick she made a few movies with, Frankie Avalon for about half an hour one time. He was part of a show at Lamar Port Arthur and I was the backstage guard. There was no one else there so he and I sat in the room for about half an hour and chatted and I got to take a couple of pictures with him.
  9. Treasonous but not treason. I think you have to be at war or at least be aiding an enemy.
  10. Looks like PNG should win 5 state championships in the next 3 years.
  11. Fox News published the story.
  12. This is addressing the argument, not the legalization. (1) I’m not saying the statistics, whatever they are, may or may not be wrong because I simply don’t know. I find it hard to believe however that someone would not want to risk a misdemeanor conviction for possession of marijuana so they will turn to a potential felony conviction for possession of an opioid. Here is the claimed logic. If I get marijuana and get caught it is maybe the equivalent of a traffic citation (or slightly more) so I am going to get some opioid and if I get caught it can be time in prison. Whether a person cares or does not care about marijuana legalization, I don’t understand the opioid connection. (2) I never buy the resources argument. Probably 99% of marijuana possession cases are made by patrol officers and I doubt there any or very many of them even care to look for marijuana. It simply is not done. Many district attorneys have quit taking minor possession of marijuana charges anyway. I think about four years ago the Harris County district attorney quit accepting them and some counties locally have done the same. It does not matter what the law says, the district attorney has prosecutorial discretion to simply refuse the case. The overcrowded jails for marijuana possession or selling up marijuana I think is a wishful and made up statistics by proponents of its legalization. Anytime someone is charged with a vehicular fatality such as DWI homicide, someone will make the statement on social media that the prisons are overcrowded with possession of marijuana cases. No they aren’t. Possession of marijuana in almost every case is a misdemeanor served in the county jail and the County Jail’s are not full with marijuana possession cases. It is simply a repeated statement claimed as a fact from another social media person‘s opinion. I have always said that if you say something one time it is a rumor but if it is repeated, it is a fact. One time I was conducting a shift meeting at the police station as a shift supervisor. We knew that the city manager was about to name someone as an acting police chief as ours has just resigned. We were almost certain that it was going to be an outside person with no tie after the city and who would not apply to be the final selection. It would be just an experienced command level officer that would hold down the fort until a new chief was named. So in my shift meeting I ask the question, “Has anyone heard the rumor that the assistant chief of police in Amarillo Texas was taking a leave of absence from his own department and would be here this week as the acting chief?”. Every officer in the meeting (about 11) said that they have not heard any such statement. They could not have because I made it up about 30 seconds earlier. As a follow up I told my shift, then it is probably a typical nonsense Police rumor someone made up so forget about it. The next day a lieutenant approached me and asked what time the Amarillo Assistant Chief Of Police was going to be here. It is a simple equation. I made it a rumor a few seconds earlier and then told everyone that it was probably just a nonsensical rumor. Forget about it. At least one if not several went out immediately and said, “I heard that…..” and it became “fact”. It is much like the medical marijuana arguments. For the most part they are bogus and simply it means to try to let a person get his hands on some marijuana legally. I don’t know how many times I have read that people who are chemotherapy and maybe have stage three or four cancer should be able to get marijuana to relieve their suffering. Absolutely!! I think if you’re going to MD Anderson or similar facility and a doctor gives you a prescription because you have cancer, you should absolutely be able to get it legally. That is generally not what is wanted however. I believe when California first passed their medical marijuana law it was written such as, they basically had street vendors. You went and told your symptoms to a nurse practitioner or similar and they would issue you a script. So anyone could go to a street corner practitioner and say, I get nausea in the afternoon so give me some marijuana. Anyone that thinks that was enacted as a reason for a new prescription drug, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you. Another bogus argument is that local law-enforcement makes it profit. Actually I would venture to say that they lose money on every arrest. If someone’s argument is, it’s no different than alcohol so let’s legalize it, I get that as a valid and reasonable opinion. Most of the other arguments are, I agree with the prior statement on legalization because it is the same as alcohol but I am trying to figure out what I think are reasonable justifications.
  13. Well was it with the A or the hard R??? You know, a term of endearment….
  14. It is somewhat funny that the article talks about noise pollution being a problem in California but for some reason that doesn’t come to mind when I think about pollution in California.
  15. That is exactly what he said in a news article. If they need some information, they are going to call me. Of course that is not nearly so juicy as thinking of him on the side lines calling some offensive plays or being the man behind the curtain head coach, etc.
  16. At what point in my post did you think I said that? I said…. “just happened to plant them in Beaumont in this situation” This (as I stated in the first point) has nothing to do with Beaumont meaning the people involved came from elsewhere around the country. The last time I went to a gang school taught partly by the BOP, there are White, Black, and Hispanic gangs scattered throughout the system. It just happens that this time the national news incident was in Beaumont or like I said, “in this situation”.
  17. Spitballing…. Hispanic but just because of history like Mexican Mafia vs. Texas Syndicate.
  18. Then the information put out by BOP isn’t correct.
  19. I had already looked into that. That was not Punxsutawney Phil from Punxsutawney, PA. That was from one of the copycat groundhogs from New Hampshire. 😂
  20. I wouldn’t mind if all nine Justices were females with the majority being Asian, Black and/or Hispanic. Just as long as I or somebody with my core beliefs gets to pick them….. (That is the second time I have used “core beliefs” today)
  21. I know because of my intimate and inside knowledge of the workings of PNGISD!!! Or maybe I just read the article…. Gonzales says up until this point, there have been 36 applicants for the top coaching job…
  22. With the obvious fact that I have absolutely no clue what they are doing or for that matter even care…… But also realizing that politics is politics and sometimes all about appearances….….. The dealmakers for PNGISD might still have just a couple of main candidates (or even one). What I find intriguing is the year as a mentor for Dodge. I don’t know about lately but I have read in past years that Todd Dodge is known for giving coaching seminars/clinics. And why not? If I had his credentials in any endeavor, I would be consulting or doing seminars. It sounds like they have arranged basically for a private one year seminar/clinic for whoever the new coach is from probably one of the most in demand opinions about high school football that is possibly under the guise of, he is here to help us as part of a search committee but while he is here……. Then toss in this.……. As you say as shown by comments in this thread (some from people who either claim to be or seem to be in the know), it gives the impression that this whole process is rigged. Simply look at the comments on the WOS new coach. Before he was ever officially named and particularly afterwards, the feeling from many is that the interviews and taking of applications was rigged and just a dog and pony show. What better way for PNGISD to hire “their guy” but take some of the stigma off of their back then to say, Todd Dodge helped us come up with this selection!!! Plausible in politics?
  23. With 36 applicants, there are probably some interesting names on there.
  24. I know you’re using humor but….. While I wonder sometimes about statistics, mostly from how they ask questions to get a certain answer (are you still beating your wife? A. Yes B. No), I truly believe that a third of Americans think we are on the right track. I think their politics are that skewed. I believe the registered Democrats who think the Biden administration is doing a horrible job did not all of a sudden become Republicans or conservative. Many probably still think we should defund the police, cut 75% out of our military budget for more social programs, should “tax the rich”, etc. Their core beliefs haven’t changed but they have just come to the realization that this guy is a disaster. I wish it was just made up numbers, that would be encouraging.
  25. I don’t think it’s a matter of being wrong but violating company rules if I understand the article and his comments. Also in this case, sex (I am assuming) with a subordinate tends to make it appear criminally and civilly problematic as well as the appearance of a scandal affecting ratings.
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