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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Going by the article with accompanying video, the evidence appears to be overwhelming that it was an assault. I am curious about the cell phone video evidence but I am reasonably certain the suspect probably was motivated by race and use racial slurs. If he actually needs surgery, that might enhance the crime from Assault to Aggravated Assault.
  2. Absolutely true. But being right you’re talking about is it right in your mind only. You’re entitled because no government can tell you what to think. Even China and North Korea cannot control people’s thoughts. They can only control what they say and do in public. So you can pick any topic you wish and say “I disagree”. Of course if you say so publicly, you’re going by the United States Constitution under your freedom of speech. It doesn’t make you right, it just makes you legal.
  3. Youngkin doesn’t matter. He will not run in 2024 but that is not the issue here. What should have been an easy Democrat victory was a loss. Midterms are not usually kind to the party in power in the White House. In Obama‘s first midterm, he lost 63 seats in House. If only five seats flip in 2022, Pelosi will be sent out to pasture. Heck, we might even see Joe Biden get impeached if he is still in office by them. Anybody that thinks this is about Youngkin Is deflecting the issue. Biden carried Virginia by 10 percentage points. He has been in office approximately nine months and Virginia has now gone Republican in the governor, lieutenant governor and Attorney General. Youngkin?
  4. Constitutionally there is absolutely something wrong with it. I find some humor that people fall back on constitutional rights until it goes against one of their beliefs. I have the right to freedom of speech! I have the right to own firearms! I have the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures! i am not to keen on the freedom of religion though….
  5. A lot of things are not harmful. That does not mean you should be forced to do them under the guise of freedom.
  6. I wasn’t either but it was common in most school districts before I started school.
  7. The new Republican Lt. Governor of Virginia.
  8. But the VA Governor and Lieutenant Governor are now Republicans.
  9. Allowed is much different than having children say Christian prayers at the beginning of every day in public schools.
  10. I did not see any of it but I hope so. Had this been locally, I don’t think he would have been indicted.
  11. tvc184


    It seems like they are trying to Weaponized the DOJ. From the Attorney General and it is true, this was not sent to parents it was basically interdepartmental. It was a DOJ prosecutor memo. But…. Unless the congressman lied, he read the phrase, annoying phone calls. The AG deflected and started talking about intimidation which is a threat and we all understand. But apparently the memo said annoying. Annoying just means something I don’t like. If a school board member gets an annoying phone call, is the DOJ even going to contemplate prosecution? Then it goes on to emotional distress. Again, that is like annoying. A person disagrees with me so that causes me stress. Federal crime? He talked bad about me on Facebook, indict him! There is too much to take apart but the AG says, we are concerned about violence and the threat of violence. Sure, we all agree about that. If that is all this was about, do they really need an internal memo to explain to professional prosecutors/lawyers what a threat or what an act of violence is? I was a police supervisor for 20 years. Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve never felt the need to tell one of my patrol officers that if someone shoots someone or threatens to kill them, that is a crime. Apparently in the DOJ at some level, feels the need to remind these professionals of what the law is. I understand that the AG might not have personally seen that memo. It still concerns me that some prosecutor in the DOJ felt it needed to be written after getting complaints from the school board. The AG has now found out about this memo which he apparently disagrees with it by saying he did not know about it, deflecting it to one of his subordinates. Now that he knows what his prosecutors are doing, I wonder if he is going to take action against them. Don’t hold your breath…
  12. I find that on occasion on Facebook because you can always edit or delete your post. It starts when one person will make a really stupid post. People will complain about it and the person making the offending post will change it. Then someone else will come along and say you’re a bunch of idiots because the person never said that. In fact the person did say it and then changed or deleted it.
  13. Unless there is a big improvement within the next year, which I don’t anticipate, it will be a replay of the Obama administration. During his first midterm the Republicans gained 63 seats in the House and 6 in the Senate. Right now the Dems have an eight seat margin in the House and it is 50-50 in the Senate. For all practical purposes, there’s a good chance the Biden administration will be effectively finished within the next 12 months. There is an equal likelihood that the 2024 presidential election, whoever the president will be from whichever party, will have to deal with a Republican Congress.
  14. More than likely, that is all he has to offer. He could attempt to run on the coattails of the current administration but appears for some reason not to want to do that.
  15. If they get away with that, the prosecutors should be indicted.
  16. Testing…… I was reading a thread in another forum and the fight was, Waving HIPPA rights. I did not but I want to start out saying to begin with, you had two misspellings in your title.
  17. Voice recognition…. And no matter how many times I proofread it, I usually have to go back and make corrections. For some reason it is easier to see once it has been posted. I will leave it for dramatic effect…. 😂
  18. It depends on the person receiving it.
  19. According to Wisconsin law I believe he was committing a misdemeanor because he was under 18 years old. I don’t know if that negates self-defense, it should not but you can never tell with a state law or what a DA will try to convince the jury to believe. If he was committing a crime that caused the attack on him, I believe that probably negates it. Like if he was breaking into someone’s house and they attacked him and he used deadly force, it would be unlawful because he cannot use a deadly force to further a criminal act. On the other hand if he was smoking marijuana which is also a misdemeanor and someone tried to kill him, does he have the right to self defense or would he lose it simple because he’s committing a misdemeanor that has nothing to do with the attack? I believe that him unlawfully carrying a rifle does not negate the right to self-defense but you could never tail about another state.
  20. I am really not sure where people come up with their conclusions. Obviously different states have different laws and different requirements such as should you be required to retreat if it’s possible? I am sure that maybe even a majority of the people commenting have absolutely no clue what their state law says or in this case, the state law where you do not live. Even if they do they make up scenarios in their own mind as to what would be legal and not going by the letter of the law. Yes, this should be entertaining. Hopefully it will be not guilty
  21. Now if they could just figure out a legitimate vaccine that would last as long as this thread……
  22. He is just a pediatric brain surgeon, what does he know……
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