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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. I would not be surprised if there’s more out there and even the father missed some if he kept looking. Again, how can you tell? Was it completely hidden in a clump of grass and an animal later moved it? There are about 100 What Ifs It’s a crappy situation but how do you remedy it when you just don’t know?
  2. I think that the chief had no choice but to respond like that. To say anything else would be crude. What else can you say? We can understand the feelings from the family however this is a complete unknown. It is not like they can reconstruct the bodies on the side of the road and see what parts may or may not be missing. Are they looking for two pieces of body parts? 12? There simply is no way to know and how big are those pieces? If there was some chart when you arrived on scene and it said, there are eight pieces of human body scattered in various locations and the smallest is approximately one inch square, we would have something to go by. When I say this is a complete unknown, it is a complete unknown. It was about 30 years ago and I was not working at that scene fortunately, but we were working a shooting did not find an entire body until the next day. It was late at night and he ran maybe 100 feet and fell into some heavy bushes. The person that shot wasn’t sure if he hit the guy, which way the guy ran, how far he ran, if he fell, kept going, etc. It is easy to criticize when you have no clue what you’re even looking for.
  3. Okay, a Black transgender female illegal alien Hispanic Walmart greeter says…..
  4. Straw man? I see a lot of straw man arguments in this and other forums. Giving the analogy that you can fire a Walmart employee for bad mouthing Walmart just like you can kick her off of the Olympic team is not a straw man.
  5. Yep. Everybody has a right to protest in “almost” any manner that they wish and to be free from government interference. That free from interference does not apply to private organizations, companies, individuals, etc. I said almost any manner because they were always “fighting words” that could be held as unlawful as noted in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire. The right of freedom of speech, religion, assembly and the press comes with imitations.
  6. I was working one night but did not go to the scene and will not mention the location but we had such a horrific accident. A vehicle left the roadway at a very high rate of speed and hit several trees. Talking to the officers who responded, they were body parts all over including like a piece of a foot. The way it was described, it was like some I had hit a guy’s foot about 3 inches behind the toes with an axe. This partial foot flew several feet away from the vehicle or what was left of the vehicle. We had a motorcycle chase one night that I was involved in and the motorcycle hit a police car head on. The patrol car was stopped in the middle of Gulfway Drive and the suspect was looking over his shoulder at the cars chasing and did not notice the patrol car until it was too late. He laid the bike down but slammed into the car and his arm bones went into the radiator. After EMS left, we found a piece of his radius or ulna at the scene of the accident. I have found an eyeball in high grass in a fatal accident about 30 feet away from where the body landed. I could recount a few more that I have personally seen but I could understand why you might not find all body parts, especially small ones. I understand that the family gets upset but nobody intentionally ignored a piece of a body. From the pictures of this accident, it was worse than any I have personally seen and that is saying something.
  7. If I understand article, she agreed to the conservatorship because of her mental health issues. According to the article it appears that she still has them. The way the article describes her court statement, she went on some rambling diatribe with a bunch of profanity and changing thought processes frequently. This is like a mock statement by Spears to prove she is capable of taking care of herself… ”I am okay, you know, like… I cry a lot, am depressed… and y’all are a bunch of $&8/ €>¥+s!! If you had seen what I saw, uhhh, the fish are biting in Lake Tahoe but I am not allowed to get pregnant… so, uhhh , like…. I am fine but you stupid, uhhh…, when I cry you know, it isn’t all day but ….”. Yes, you are okay Britney, what could be wrong?
  8. Nope. We get told, not asked.
  9. Yep, one of the many regulars. Preacher, Captain Barlow, Kenneth Carney……
  10. 1. Nobody has said that she (or anyone) could not protest any way she wishes. 2. This might sound like a strange concept but don’t old white people have the same right to protest or express their opinion? Just like I have seen it said from the opposite side of the aisle many times, words and actions have consequences. Recently a police officer made a video mocking LeBron James. He was terminated. I suspect some of the same people supporting this woman were the ones calling for his termination. He was on a team and this woman is on the team. They both represent someone. It would be mighty hypocritical to believe that officer should be terminated for a joke against a public figure but the woman representing the country turn her back on the flag of that country.
  11. It is my personal opinion that she is simply selfish. Not because she is turning her back on the flag, which is political. The question I asked and I think I have the answer was, why does she want to represent a country and a flag what she appears to hate so much? She wants to take the bow. She wants everyone to look at her and her accomplishment. That is fine on an individual stage however in the Olympics, you were representing your country, period. Look at George Foreman, raised about 90 miles from us in Houston. He was raised in the fifth Ward which didn’t have the best reputation. Before he was born, the ward was called the bloody fifth. Wikipedia says that George foreman claimed he had a “troubled youth”. He dropped out of school at 15 years old and became a mugger. So he was probably committing felonies and robbing people for his money. When he was 16 Foreman saw an add for the Job Corps and signed up. He made the decision to change his life. He gained a couple of working skills and got his GED. He later took up boxing. Most people at least roughly probably know his story. But….. this troubled youth from a bad neighborhood went on to represent his country in the Olympics. When he won his final match in the Olympics that allowed him to win the gold medal, he walked around the ring waving the same American flag that this girl is turning her back on. In a later interview he said I wish I would’ve had two flags. Look at Chloe Kim. Her parents came from South Korea and the winter Olympics were in South Korea. When she blew away the competition to win the gold medal, is she protest? Did she hold up the flag of South Korea where she was at and that was her heritage and where her parents were from? No. She immediately held up the American flag which was probably bigger than she was. So yes, Berry wants the stage of the Olympics and wants everyone to look at her. That is understandable but she is still there to represent her country and she does not wish to do so. She needs to drop out of the Olympics and stick with professional athletics what she can take that individual bow if that is what she so desires.
  12. Low life piece of…. She has a right to protest anything she wishes but I believe the Olympic committee should have the right to kick her off the team and should. If she does not like what America stands for along with the flag that represents it, why is she going to the Olympics to represent the USA? Hey, if you don’t want to represent, fine with me. Go somewhere else.
  13. I have a couple of good ones but they break the rules of the forum.
  14. Yes, I have seen it face-to-face for almost 40 years. As with any situation there are probably 100 different answers as to why people are in that position. But… for the most part I believe it is from drug abuse and mental illness. A lot of that mental illness might be from drug abuse so they kind of go hand-in-hand. Because of the length of time I dealt with it, I saw a couple of generations of people grow up. I saw a lot of people get their brains fried on drugs and even if they got off at them later, I believe the damage was done. So did the mental illness at an early age make them turn to drugs or did the drug use cause the mental illness later in life? I don’t know. There is certainly a percentage they just made poor or lazy choices in life. They might be a high school dropout that lived with mama and daddy until they passed away or kicked them out, etc. Then they have nowhere to turn and for some reason have no desire to better themselves. Let’s face it, they are all kinds of people in the world and some people are just not motivated to do anything except breathe. Is that in itself a form of mental illness? In someways I still worry about being homeless. I say in retirement, I just want a roof over my head and some food. Anything else is extra. But I always think if worst came to worst and my life savings and all the years I have worked for a pension and Social Security, if it went away would I simply stand on the side of the road with a cup in my hand hoping for a handout? I don’t think so but hopefully I will never find out. In my opinion, most homelessness is caused by mental illness or drug abuse or some combination of both. I believe there is certainly a percentage that simply made poor choices in life. Maybe they have a criminal record and no job skills and now at 40 - 60 years old are basically unemployable. Even if they wanted to, could they make a livable wage?
  15. The first thing on a Google search said Women’s League of Burma. I can see where that got someone in trouble….
  16. We got a tip so it wasn’t random but I stopped I think it was a Nissan Altima with about 5 kilos of cocaine. We were actually looking for a different vehicle from a tip and this one was in the area so I stopped it.
  17. Here is an article from 7 years ago that said they have stopped at least 14 fake government vehicles with contraband. In that story one school bus had over a ton. I read a story of another school but with 4.5 tons. [Hidden Content]
  18. In south Texas they found a fake TXDOT truck loaded.
  19. Everybody is aware. They just don’t think they will get caught like any criminal or anyone making a stupid decision. It’s like saying, well he’s a lawyer so he knows that bribery is wrong. He is a school principal so he should know the child molesting is not right. She is an EMT so she should know that drunk driving is dangerous. They all know that all of those things are very wrong and not because of their profession. People simply think they are not going to get caught , certainly not at this time. I might get caught one day but it’s not going to be today.
  20. When I worked interdiction about 25 years ago we looked for just such a vehicles. One of the bigger arrests in this area a couple of friends of mine made, there’s a couple of good ol’ boys heading to the lake towing a bass boat… Except the bass boat had more than fishing tackle. Another was a grandmother just driving down the highway. That is one of the first things I learned. It is like looking for a child molester or a murderer. What do they look like? If they were easy to spot then we would have nearly a 100% clearance rate. The grandmother, a couple of rednecks heading home from a duck hunting trip, wreckers, 18 wheelers, buses, a man and his wife heading for vacation,… What does a drug dealer look like?
  21. I doubt it but there might be a very smidgen of the truth to it. I don’t think there are that many confidential informants to routinely justify stopping very many people at that location. What likely happens is that there are officers out on the highway looking for drugs. About 99% of the time that is what they are doing which is profiling. If they happen to get a tip from a confidential informant or a police officer from another agency for example, certainly they would look for that vehicle. That would have to be some very serious information on what vehicle, when, etc. It just does not come that often. The reason that you might see a lot of vehicle stops in that area is because that is where the officers set up. When I worked highway introduction there were two or three spots we worked and that was it. Sometimes those locations are strategic such as near where someone can get off according to head to how we were profiling.
  22. And how can you tell your age by saying you were 17 and had a 68 Firebird? You could be 60 today and have a 68 Firebird, you could be 18 today and have a 68 Firebird……….
  23. It was an apparition which is probably why you only heard from the guy. There used to be a house off of the woods at that location. On a rainy night long ago they were killed several miles away in a car accident and on certain conditions of a rainy night, they are trying to get back home.
  24. Then you woke up and wondered where the empty bottle of Strawberry Hill came from…
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