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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. When we have filed a TRO, it has been two weeks to have a response. Would the injunctive relief be in the form of a Writ of Mandamus since it is a government? I would believe that time frame has passed or it was simply denied.
  2. I am not that familiar as you are (not close) on state civil law. Dirty Harry- “A man’s got to know his limitations.” I have gotten summary judgment (not sure which USC applies) when I was involved as a defendant in federal court. The US magistrate tossed the case with prejudice.
  3. I think there might be a lot of summary judgments...
  4. Maybe I misunderstood it but this was put out as a school bus issue. Was it discussed having private rides to the stadium? I figure that most parents are going anyway.
  5. Two of the biggest words in statutory law or may and shall. May means discretionary and shall means mandatory. A police Officer “may” enforce emergency management orders. It is not mandatory.
  6. And kind of on the same topic. I have found 2 SCOTUS cases that say mandatory vaccines are legal and 2 SCOTUS cases that say quarantines are legal under the 10th Amendment on states’ rights. The states have a policing ability to protect its citizens by mandating non-voluntary actions. I would think if you could mandate jabbing someone with a needle, you could require a mask.
  7. Not so indirect..... 😂 i wouldn’t say not smart, just uninformed. Lots of YouTube and Facebook legal experts...
  8. I agree. Great topic. I have made more posts in half an hour than I usually make all week On a side note, I never knew how many lawyers and police officers were in this forum. I am impressed. 😀
  9. About 99.5% of the time we would never hear of these cases because they would not exist.
  10. Apples to Toyotas. That was a federal civil rights violation by age, sex, race, national origin or religion. It was not over a school’s authority to make rules without state permission No government (state, federal, county, city, school district, etc.) can make discriminatory rules or laws. During the debate on this subject I made the point that I believed that he would win in federal court over civil rights.
  11. Speaking of Einstein, you might want to peruse Chapter 418 of the Government Code. [Hidden Content]
  12. The mask is to keep you from spitting on other people. Surgeons wear masks to keep from infecting the patient, not the other way around.
  13. Or even TX, wrong there also. 😀
  14. No, property rights are not a straw man.
  15. If asked to leave and you refuse, absolutely. It is called trespassing. The owner/manager can set his own rules on his property.
  16. I believe the US Supreme Court disagrees with you.
  17. Notwithstanding this not being TX, if it was then you are wrong. The legislative process has already happened. State law gives the governor the authority to declare an emergency on his own including fines and jail up to 6 months. It is in the Texas Government Code Chapter 418 on Emergency Management. The governor. county judge or mayor have Emergency powers to issue orders with the full effect of law. [Hidden Content]
  18. Assuming this was TX (and it isn’t), it doesn’t matter what the municipality has enacted, a property owner can set rules or ask you to leave.
  19. Thoughts are, this was in Ohio so TX laws do not apply. Anyone know OH Law?
  20. I got a pop-up that said I had a new notification but no way to check the notification yesterday. Today it appears as though that function has been restored.
  21. Besides some color change, I lost the button also. After I got reading what I wanted. I used to mark the entire site as read so I could see which forums have new posts. That is gone or moved.
  22. I watched the video where he was getting off the jet and was waving to an empty field. Of course lots of comments about no one there, how funny, etc. I thought he was waving at hundreds of his loyal voters..... in the nearly cemetery.
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