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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. I think you are way over blowing Trump's support. I have said on several threads, I never wanted him to get the nomination and he is not anywhere near my top 10 choices. Like millions of people however, no matter how much buffoonery he performs, he is still a sight better than Hillary and that was the vote. The lesser of two evils. His getting Gorsuch confirmed on the SCOTUS is huge. That alone is worth the price of admission. A couple more like that and Trump will lock in the SCOTUS as conservative for decades. If he can get the unmitigated disaster known as Obamacare repealed, he can do almost anything else. Heck, if he can get a couple of more justices and one of the biggest disasters legislation in our history repealed, he will go down as a successful president even if forced to leave office.
  2. True but a couple of times I saw the wind gust up to about 15mph!!!
  3. Let's see, many on the left don't think Trump should be the president because he has no experience in running any government program. He has no clue what he is doing. He should leave it to the career politicians that know how things work. Okay, so Trump wants people that know how to spur growth in charge of the economy... but now the left is saying, hey, experience is not needed. Middle class Americans need to be in charge of what is good economically. I don't know if Trump is correct but I understand his concept. I don't want a college dropout that is organizing anti-military peace rallies to be in charge of the Department of Defense.
  4. It was horrible. Call CNN... Super Storm Cindy was devastating..........
  5. Maybe it’s code for crappy weather on the way.
  6. Now there’s something we can agree on.
  7. Terrible news.
  8. I watched it. Utter nonsense and political, not factual statements. One lawyer says, don’t look at this case (doesn’t like the facts?) but let’s look at it as a whole. Really? He wants to convict Yanez due to other cases. Let’s just convict someone to appease the masses maybe. Judge Hatchett then outright lies and claims her speculation is fact. She made statements that she wants to help her civil case but isn’t backed up by any known fact. An interesting video of opinions, almost none of which can be backed up.
  9. And of the two counties that the city Yanez worked for was located, had a black population of less than 8% in one county and less than 9% in the other. Going by population only, there should have been one black on thr jury. I wouldn’t care if there were all minority jurors. The facts seem clear that there was nothing that showed proof beyond any reasonable doubt.
  10. It is actually slightly over represented however we cannot cut people in half.
  11. Maybe those are the open minded people that you claim for the Democrats. Once they open their minds, they left the home party.
  12. There is absolutely nothing broad and open minded about Democrats as a party and as a whole. Individuals might be but not collectively. The “open minded” party will not even allow a conservative to speak on a college campus where people claim that free thought is encouraged. The open minded Democratic party is a myth.
  13. Go for it. Keep looking for some emotional backup. When facts and evidence doesn’t side with an opinion, such relief is often sought out. Maybe the minorities on the jury felt bullied. Like the lone juror in the Zimmerman case that spoke publicly, we wanted to find him guilty but we followed the law and the evidence was not there. She admitted being prejudice toward Zimmerman but could not find evidence to back up a guilty verdict.
  14. The guy is a cad, was probably a schoolyard bully and never has the sense of when to shut his mouth. I hated Trump in the primaries, never thought he would get the nomination, much less the general election win. Apparently way more people across the country thought the same thing I did than the political pundits and pollsters realized. With his faults, Trump was less likely to drag the country further down the drain than Hillary. The people that thought Hillary would win in a record landslide discounted that with all his faults Trump was seen by many a better option. The Democrat’s lone savior from a historical landslide the other way was that Trump got the nomination. That is the only thing that kept it close in popular vote.
  15. Awesome. My facts (not opinion) are backed up by a jury of 12 people that unanimously came to the same conclusion after they saw hours of evidence and had the law explained to them by a judge. Fortunately for the officer, wishful thinking isn’t evidence.
  16. The last officer involved shooting in my department two years ago, the officer fired 7 shots in about 2.5 seconds. This officer took about the same time frame. This isn’t Hollywood.
  17. So when you find out that everything the officer did was lawful, now the narrative is, police shouldn’t write citations. Got it. Oh yeah, the officer was trying to solve a real crime and a violent one at that.
  18. The guy had brake lights out. There is no excuse needed. It is called probable cause. Officers need no description when a crime is witnessed.
  19. A robbery happens a day or two earlier. Officers are given a general description. Part of that description includes a female accomplice and color of vehicle. Officer spots a similar colored vehicle and a man that generally fits the description and he has a woman with him. It is called a hunch. It gives no lawful authority for a detention. BUT.... brake lights out give not only reasonable suspicion but probable cause. even if the officer is using the traffic violation to check out something else. (Whren v. US- US Supreme Court) Since the officer doesn’t know if this is really the suspect and may be innocent citizen, he doesn’t approach with gun drawn in felony traffic stop mode. He strikes up almost casual coversation with driver and in all likelihood just wants name. Why? Photo lineup. Several photos are shown to clerk in the robbery with driver being one of them. It is routine police work. Driver says I have a firearm on me. Officer says don’t pull it out and if you listen closely, it sounds like the driver says I have to pull it out. Officer’s statements were, “Don’t reach it though.. don’t pull it out! Don’t pull it out!!” Officers flinches to the rear as he draws and opens fire. We will never know why the driver reached for the gun and sounds like he said I have to pull it out.
  20. The words “don’t move”give no legal self defenses options. The words “don’t move” followed by a person reaching, do.
  21. I watched the video. I can see where the jury found the officer not guilty.
  22. The ruling had nothing to do with the Redskins. You've got to get past the fake news headlines
  23. I have never thought of a Bill of Rights case as being petty but to each his own.
  24. First Amendment cases are petty issues?
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