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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. What Trump did was legal. The US clearly says it is at the discretion of the president. Not liking something does not make it illegal. For it to be illegal, it has to violate some provision of the Constitution. What part of the Constitution did it violate? What rights do non-citizens who are not in this country have? I know the answer is "none" but maybe you can come up with some answer if you google uneducated opinions. Trump will soon issue an almost identical order and will negate the temporary ban in his lawful order. Soon we will have another Supreme Court justice so a full Court can hear the argument and put an end to it once and for all.
  2. Huh? Care to explain that in English?
  3. A stupid decision by the DA. What will she choose not to prosecute next, DWI? Let's just issue citations for leaving a traffic lane? She cannot change state law but is telling the police not to enforce the law. If they legalize it, great but she is playing god of the legal system. She has not such authority. I wonder if the police will simply do away with misdemeanor domestic violence since that takes up at least as much time as marijuana.
  4. Hmmm.... same chance? Hillary Clinton, hardly popular with the Republicans, is confirmed as Secretary of State 98-2. Trump's SOS is confirmed 56-43. Yeah, I can see where the Dems are giving the same "chance". But let's move on. For Attorney General, I thought that Eric Holder was fairly controversial but he passed his vote 75-21 with half the Republicans voting for him. Trumps AG passed, 52-47. Yep, no support from the Dems. So two of the most important positions, even from Obama who the left claimed has hated and not given a chance, won overwhelming support from the GOP in respect for Obama's picks. The Dems toward Trump? Well, no respect or support at all. Yet another..... Health and Human Services, Obama gets a fairly controversial Kathleen Sebelius passed with some GOP support, 65-31. Trump's HHS Secretary, yet again, no support from the Dems and Tom Price, an actual medical doctor as the head of the health agency (surely we can't have that), passed only 52-47. For Obama Secretary of Education? A unanimous confirmation. For Trump, 51-50. Can we go on? CIA director? Obama gets Leon Panetta confirmed with yet another unanimous vote. Trump? Nope, 31 Dems voted against his nominee. Same chance you ask? Yeah, that would be nice. Oh wait, you said from "you people"? Heck, Trump can't even get any chance from Democrat politicians when on the reverse side, the GOP did not like Obama but looking at the vote, gave him a chance simply out of respect. Yes, people in internet forums get out of hand for Obama and Trump. Big deal, they control nothing except their own opinions. What about the actual people in charge, the senators and representatives? I guess that respect only goes one way........
  5. If you read appeals court decisions, they never dismiss anything. They bring up prior constitutional cases to back up their belief. Court rulings do not just simply say I believe XY and Z in that's it. You might not see eye to eye with them, and I can guarantee that I do not in all cases, but they back it up with other constitutional rulings.
  6. Almost no laws are based on the Constitution. That document mainly lists both authorities and limitations by the government. I think mainly goes back to the time around the Magna Carta in the early 1200's in old England. That led to the forming of the British Parliament or limiting the Kings at the time almost unlimited power. After the Revolutionary War, that evolved into our current constitution. What the Constitution does is give the authority to make laws but those laws are limited both in the Constitution and the later constitutional amendments. Basically, if the Constitution does not say that the government cannot do it, then they like we can. You will not find laws in there like traffic laws, marriage laws, disturbing the peace (yelling fire), drug laws, etc. So, probably 99.9% of the laws in this country are not based on the United States Constitution. The authority to make those laws is however. Much of it goes to the 10th amendment which guarantees state's rights. That is, if it is not specifically listed in the Constitution, a state could be what it wants.
  7. No, they should not be impeached on rulings. That is nonsensical crap. A judge removed for playing politics is ....well.... politics. What happens like 8 years ago when Obama had almost a super majority in both houses of Congress? All conservative judges are removed for playing politics? You have a 9-0 Supeme Count siding with Ginsburg and Sotomayor? There is a good reason that federal judges are appointed for life. To think otherwise would have allowed the Dems to completely ban handguns 8 years ago and have a 9-0 ruling from the SC saying it was legal. No thanks. I completely disagree with some rulings but the system otherwise would be a mockery of laws.
  8. Can you explain the problem or are you merely spitting out another person's slanted political argument?
  9. ..... and almost every time I see some news article like this, someone always says, "This doesn't add up".
  10. You could speculating why she was approaching him but that is all it would be, speculating. That is not an uncommon means of carjacking or robbery. I talked to a friend (former coworker) whose wife had the exact same thing happen in Houston a couple of weeks ago. A woman pulled up next to her in a parking lot and started asking questions and she looked into her mirror and saw a man approach the passenger's side of her car with a gun in hand. She had one in the console and when he looked into her passenger side window, she was pointing it at him. The woman that pulled up next to her (the diversion) and the guy both fled in her car. They were obviously together and intent on something more than asking questions. Looking at how vague news articles are (and having done many press releases), they usually leave a lot to speculate on. That does not mean that something was not "adding up". It only means that we don't know all the details and since the police do not like to release information, might never know.
  11. Nancy Pelosi is hilarious. She said that if you "eat, drink or take medicine", this guy is bad. Yeah, I heard that in some of his decisions Gorsuch banned water, food of any kind and that any medical procedure was a crime. The Dems are literally coming apart at the seams.......
  12. I just had to flip to MSNBC to see what I knew had to be people freaking out. "This is a constitutional crisis!!!" I particularly loved it when (I think) Lawrence O'Donnell blistered Trump with the fact that was something like, "President Trump found out that he could not stand up to a federal judge with an order!!!". I wonder if he remembers Obama having orders rejected not only by district courts but by Circuit Courts? Nahhhhhh....... short memory.
  13. Maybe someone could send me a message and let me in on the big secret.
  14. I agree 100%. That was for the benefit of those that might tend to question why a name has not been given and is there some kind of cover up. The answer is that the name cannot be made public or the police/DA/court/etc., will be the ones violating the law. In your position, I knew that you would be aware of the law.
  15. I agree 100%. That was for the benefit of those that might tend to question why a name has not been given and is there some kind of cover up. The answer is that the name cannot be made public or the police/DA/court/etc., will be the ones violating the law. In your position, I knew that you would be aware of the law.
  16. For a government release the name of a juvenile that has not been certified as an adult by the juvenile court is a law violation.
  17. I wish CA success in their efforts to leave the milk cow. If they become their own nation, I hope they have an open door policy. They can allow anyone into the new country and especially open their arms to the freeloaders that can swell both their unemployment and welfare rolls.
  18. Looks like the local cops shot a guy today in Newton. Where is the thread? [Hidden Content] Tragic, it looks like a guy was killed while under a car today in PA. Where is the thread? [Hidden Content] Wow, Sabine Pass was entirely cut off this afternoon by a train derailment. I must have missed the thread. [Hidden Content] Oh my gosh, man runs from the police and runs a roadblock at 130mph in San Augustine but lives after he crashes. [Hidden Content] Good guy with a gun. Shoots a robbery suspect in defense of store yesterday but reported today. Surely this deserves a thread. [Hidden Content] Meanwhile, teen found with drugs and gun........
  19. If I put every drug arrests with guns involved on the internet, I could have my own forum........ I can see where this is a newsworthy story but really, drugs and guns? Why not discuss the other 100 or so crimes reported in the local media each week?
  20. No more consent decrees from a political DOJ.
  21. You don't have to look back very for in BISD history to find a coach that was placed on admin leave only to be found guilty of nothing and reinstated.
  22. Well, that's one.
  23. Kinda but not always true. Congress is not involved in implementation or day to day operations (in which case nothing would get done) of most laws. They say what is legal or illegal and appropriate money. Obviously Obama overstepped his authority and tried to enact law. The link you provided about backs that up. Orders are a necessity.
  24. It doesn't make it morally right. It does make it legally correct. When you say murder, you can get varying opinions from Christians on that. Is war murder? Is self defense murder?
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