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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. No, several states made it legal before that. As to your argument "only because", that applies to every law. You are able to post your thoughts in this forum "only because" a group of men (no woman were allowed) came up with the First Amendment. Religion is between one person and God, period. Many or most Muslims want Sharia law to be the law if the land or at the very least, the ability to practice it within their communities. Think about that when wanting to make religious beliefs the law of the land. Maybe some Southern Baptists thing dancing should be outlaw dancing or the Mormons think we should ban all caffeinated drinks. The term slippery slope is often overused but not so in this case.
  2. Whiners gonna whine. Obama gave a rousing first inaugural speech then proceeded to be ineffective and complain for 8 years. If Trump can accomplish 2 or 3 things in 4 years, he will be head and shoulders above Obama. All the Dims can do is sit back, watch the train heading down the tracks without them but feel vindication of a better speech. Small things for small minds.
  3. I can't speak for her nor would I care to with her consent. Care to make any bets as to whether any federal agency will seek an indictment? Remember this isn't under the Obama administration but now under Trump.
  4. Where do you see that I agreed with anything? A legal question was asked and a legal answer was given. Again, this is not a thread about theology. I disagree with abortions on demand and disagree with Roe v. Wade. Yes, killing babies in the womb with consent of the mother is no murder. Murder is a criminal law. If you want to bring it up as a sin feel free.
  5. You do realize that "reportedly will investigate" is a political statement that may or may not have even been made. Remember that Eric Holder sent the FBI in to Ferguson, MO to try and prove that.... I mean try to seek out the facts to see if there was any civil rights violation by Officer Wilson and found nothing that they could prove. I don't think saying something like, "I though about..... " is a crime under any laws in the USA. They have yet to enact the Thought Police however I am sure that some people want to.
  6. That's great but this isn't a thread about theology. Trying that stance in court will likely be a losing proposition.
  7. Try Dorco USA.
  8. The books that list laws and the court cases that back up or reject legislated laws..
  9. You mentioned law of the land. Well the Supreme Court according to Article III of the US Constitution is law of the land when it comes to "all cases, in law and equity, arising under the Constitution". They have rendered a decision is up to a woman until the baby has the ability to survive outside of the womb. How is it not murder? The body that is the final reviewer of constitutional rights said so.
  10. Murder is against the law. An abortion approved by the mother is not listed under Murder.
  11. Unity = Obama = "If you don't pass what I want, I have my pen and my phone" .... ( and I will continually violate my oath and the Constitution and have several federal judges overturn my illegal orders) Yeah, Trump needs to take that lesson in unity?
  12. Not under TX law which is all that I am familiar with. It requires a threat of "imminent" use of deadly force, a threat causing a police/fire response, etc. "I thought about" hardly qualifies as imminent which normally would be something like, "I am on way way to.............".
  13. tvc184


    Hey wanted to, he said that he wanted to and he tried to but somebody in his party kept reminding him that it was unconstitutional. After inidents like Sandy Hook he openly stated that he would use his pen to bring gun control into action because Congress had failed to act. Hey said the same thing about immigration. Then (again) someone in his party and inner circle reminded him of the law and the Constitution I think he signed 20+ executive orders after Sandy Hook, most of which were not worth the paper they were printed on and he signed legislation about immigration which the federal court ruled was illegal. Hey tried to bring about gun restrictions but could not. No, Obama did not come for our guns because the law simply would not allow him to. Had a democratically controlled Congress sent him an out right gun ban on certain weapons, if not all of them, he would have signed it. The U.S. Constitution stopped him and groups like the NRA put enough pressure on politicians to know that they would be vote themselves out of office. That was all they stopped him come from coming for our guns, not because it was a right wing conspiracy. How do we know the NRA is effective and was what stood in front of Obama? Two months before the first midterm elections of Bill Clinton's time, he was sent assault weapons ban what she signed into legislation. During that election cycle the Republicans took over complete control of Congress for the first time in almost 50 years. They then held that complete control of Congress for the remaining six years of Bill Clinton's presidency. Ponder that for a few moments. The Republicans had not had both houses of Congress for almost 3 generations and within two months of the gun ban held it for the rest of the Democratic president's time in office. I am talking about the three election cycles. On a humorous side bar, people that love to point to the success of Bill Clinton fail to remember or state that every bit of the laws that he signed for the last six years of his career came from completely Republican controlled Congress. I realize that you just troll and probably do not believe 90% of the tripe that you post. Sometimes it is fun to post historical truth however.
  14. That video pretty much tells the tale. If not the left leaning people, at the very least the left wing media is insane. This is what eight years of Obama has brought the Democratic party to.
  15. In 11 hours the national nightmare ends. Of course, we might be starting another one at the same time. But... until we fall back asleep, we won't know.
  16. I hear you. Let's see, disrespected Mexicans, Muslims, Democrats, Women, illegal aliens, mentally handicapped and still managed to beat the smartest women in the world....... but we draw the line at unfriending a 16 year old.................. can we take back our votes. HAHAHAHA!!!
  17. It is extremely affordable for people that don't have to pay their own way.
  18. It is all they have left. When you can't win in politics, worry about the next president's friends list.
  19. It's called a different syntax......
  20. I figured it may be or certainly not common knowledge.... otherwise in the 45,687,328 times I have heard the fire comment, I would have heard that one also.
  21. Yeah, I was about to quote it but you beat me to it. I have many times heard the "on fire" comment but never the "I might if he wasn't".
  22. Unfortunately a president cannot reinstate a criminal conviction once it has been commuted or a full pardon. Fortunately (and hopefully) Trump by executive order and the Republican led Congress can undo Obamacare and most of the nonsensical orders including not enforcing current immigration law. Then we will have a president whose legacy will be almost completely undone in less than half a year after he leaves office. He will be historical as the first minority president but irrelevant after you get past that fact.
  23. This is his last thumb in the eye of half the country. I dread the next 42 hours.
  24. True but the rught played right into both his and Hillary's hand all last year. They assumed that rhetoric like Trump was spitting out was certainly landslide sweeps for the Dems. All of them severely underestimated the anger in this country. Trump is a horrible politician. Polls showed Hillary would win big. The right wingers played right into the Dems strategy........ and won one of the most stunning election victories in US history. Then the spin from the left continues even today. I saw one of the nominees for the DNC say yet again, we just aren't getting our message out. Well yeah, they are and it is a losing strategy. They can't see forest for the trees.
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