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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Got to love those German remakes............
  2. Yep, the chief is a politician. It looks like he made deputy chief about 9-10 years into his career (since he served as deputy chief, assistant chief and interim chief and was named chief at only 16 years). That is a politician that has likely put very little time in on the streets and a lot of time in the chief's back pocket and backstabbing any competition. He will and probably has thrown anyone out there to save his butt and make him look like the hero. I could be wrong but seeing such a rapid rise in such a large department, I doubt it.
  3. I just heard a statement by the chief and it was some of the biggest bunch of caca that I have read. "Cascading consequences"? Pure gibberish for the media. I think they need to fire the chief.
  4. The standard is if a reasonable officer would feel the need to use deadly force. Most times in the past, a felon advancing on an officer with a drawn handgun is most of the time seen as justified in my experience. There is no need to have the person be a threat of death, a point which is almost always glossed over or ignored by the press. There is no statute that requires a person to fear death in order to justify deadly force. There has to be a fear of serious bodily injury which can be a broken bone. If an in shape athlete is advancing toward you while committing a felony and appears to be crazed on drugs, would anyone be in fear or injury? That is the question of law that will be before the grand jury.
  5. I am not sure that they can if what is out there turns out to be even partly true. She might actually be in some deep troublems.........
  6. If they need someone to be a guinea pig, I can take a few tubs for free to test it for safety.
  7. BB is putting out information that it will be back in stores in mid-September so maybe another four weeks or so.
  8. Is that a new building because I don't remember much in the way of a restaurant type building in that block/area?
  9. From the map it looks like it is in kind of a run down part of town like east of Baptist Hospital on College near S. 4th St.
  10. .... but maybe the most fun was the J3 Cub at about 45HP. Low and slow.
  11. Every airplane that I am checked out in has less horsepower... way less.
  12. Not sure about the food but the pictures are about as good as it gets........
  13. A lot depends on how you define acting like a fool. In any case we have another straw man argument. I have never seen any person in any of these forms on any thread saying that I thing like a fool in itself was a good reason to get shot. An officer drawing a handgun while trying to stop a felony in progress is not only normal procedure, it is the safe, correct and a routine thing to do. We are not talking about a misdemeanor shoplifting suspect. I do not know how anyone can have a valid opinion as to the shooting at this point because for right now we have no clue what happened other than media reports and speculation.
  14. Attacking an officer or moving toward him while he is pointing a gun and saying to stop is not the most intelligent thing a person can do. The dead guy looks like he was whacked out on some serious drugs.
  15. we cannot see the actual shooting so it is impossible to render a valid opinion on if it was legal. Arlington is apparently under Texas civil service law like some of the surrounding area police agencies and therefore the first year the office it can be fired without cause. That means the chief can simply not like his haircut and terminate him legally. in this case the chief probably threw him under the bus and in fact at one point I read where he mentioned Ferguson. The officer was made a sacrificial lamb more than likely. Had this been a veteran officer he almost certainly would not have been fired or if so at a much later time when an in-depth investigation happened. that is why all officers sweat out their first year. They can be terminated for any reason and I have seen it done before. The officer being terminated in this case has almost nothing to do with the events and everything to do with the chief wanted to get out and cover his own hide. Maybe a termination and an indictment might be the correct course of action but so soon lets you know that at this point it's just politics.
  16. What might really be interesting in a Democratic debate will be if Biden gets in the race. The reason is that both are Obama insiders but will have to directly attack each other. Hillary will be beating the drums on how great she was as a Secretary of State and Biden cannot simply go along with it. Hillary will have to defend Benghazi and Biden will have to attack her if he has any chance which he cannot do now as a sitting Veep and not wanting to directly criticize anything or anyone that Obama appointed unless he has a direct gain, which is what will happen if he goes for the big prize. Of course he probably will not announce but it sure would be interesting if it happened.
  17. I still see the building when I go to Sam's.
  18. Drake's onion rings........ Or across the street, the Baker-Wliford Pharmacy lunch counter.
  19. Why? I don't issue citations on my cell phone.
  20. I was on my cell phone and looking at the Ferguson Effect in the Political Forum and when I tried to reply, somehow I ended up on this page.
  21. That was part of their jingle on the television commercials. "Burger Chef, for a nickle and a dime......."
  22. I could have been but I just don't remember. It was a double meat and kind of like a Big Mac but about 20 times better. That could have been the Big Chef.
  23. Yes, I remember BC. It was my favorite burger place but I do not remember the name of the hamburger that I liked the best (but I swear that I can still taste it). Since it was built as a BC where Hamburger Depot is today about a block from Bulldog Stadium, I would walk there at halftime at every Nederland home game.
  24. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. The police, the district attorney and a criminal jury have looked at it and they all disagree with you.
  25. I was an officer in MO this week and they were having a major police presence staging for an expected major incident in Ferguson.
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