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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Any public news on the violence so far?
  2.   From what I read in the article, it is plausible only under the basis of the IRS IT people being so incompetent and bungling. This is a federal law enforcement agency, not some fly by night company selling items on the internet.    How does the agency that is responsible for collecting all taxes and fees for the government so irresponsible that it can't even do what a small company can do? The only explanation that seems to negate a cover up is that the IRS must have the most incompetent employees in the country.    Kind of gives you that warm fuzzy feeling in trusting the government. So do you think that they are truly as incompetent as the article that you posted claims they had to be in order to have it believable or was it a cover up? 
  3.     The same way they pay for it now..... they don't. That is why most doctors do not and will not accept Medicare. They do a procedure that costs the average person and insurance company $200 but the federal government sends them $35 and says take it or leave it.   It is that kind of short changing that will end medicine as we know it. It is like a person going to Saltgrass restaurant and running up a $150 bill but only paying $25 at the register and expecting them to stay open at the same quality of service. That is also why medicine in many cases charges such high fees for those of us that actually have to pay for services rendered. It is to pay for those that will not pay which includes the federal government. 
  4. Back to the thread topic, the whole DOJ investigation was a political sham. It would take little more than a rookie police officer to see that there were no viable criminal charges in this case. In fact that is exactly what the county DA said before the state stepped in and went to trial without going to a grand jury for an indictment (not even legal in TX or federal law).    There was never proof beyond a reasonable doubt of any crime by Zimmerman, even with the press faking so much evidence. The DOJ dragging it out was for politics, not criminal justice. 
  5.     I believe that they are not needed nearly as much and they certainly aren't as powerful.    I also believe that non-union salaries are related to union salaries since most industries can unionize. It is one thing to say that companies today do not abuse their workers "as bad" and pay a more deserved salary but it is different to say that those companies would be that accommodating if unions ceased to exist or be legal. I don't believe for a minute that all companies or industries are nearly as concerned for their employees as they are for profits. That is the way it should be as they are in the business of making money, AKA capitalism. It also means that without the right to get together as a group, companies with huge work forces would probably care less of disgruntled employees or working conditions. 
  6. I do not see how they have a valid challenge. Apparently they have no issue with a memorial, only that religious symbols are on it. I can see where they might want to ban all memorials but it you allow them, then the people that put them up should have the right to express their beliefs. I have seen cases where a teacher tells her students to do an essay on "anything" but then will try to stop a student from speaking of God or Jesus under the belief that it violates the Constitution. I have seen were courts have upheld the student's right to submit such papers because while religion cannot be dictated at a public school, it can also not be banned.    The school is allowing the bench on campus. I did not read where the district was funding it so no public money is involved. If a cross on public property to honor a person is unconstitutional, what are they going to do at Arlington National Cemetery with all the crosses and Star of Davids on the thousands of graves? Those are funded by taxpayer's money.    Some religious issues in schools are unconstitutional in my opinion but I am not sure how this memorial is. 
  7.     I read the article. I saw nothing about history revisions. I saw that there was a problem in highlighting certain parts of history over others. I saw neither side that claims the other was teaching false history.    Maybe you need some more enlightenment. 
  8.   Who are the ones trying to modify history? 
  9. tvc184


    Eric Holder's parting shot before he leaves office. He knows that he can't justify any indictment so he has to try and save face for his Obama supporters (after the big show of an open investigation) by forcing a small town PD to comply with his desires that he cannot legally back up any other way. 
  10.   But they can sure count touchdowns............ 
  11. Worldwide now as news sources in England (at least) have reported it.   And why? Tawdry and lewd stories get airplay out of public interest. 
  12. Again, show a post from any thread in this forum where anyone has even claimed a perfect district or claims that their (or any) district has never nor will ever have a scandal or an idiot empoyee. You are trying to make a straw man argument. The "see, y'all aren't perfect" claim only works if someone has made such a statement. Feel free to find that statement.
  13.     Really? Hmmm....          
  14.   Has anyone said or even suggested that any district is beyond a bad apple?
  15. I know there is trying to be a comparison between districts like a "gotcha" moment. So we have one district that appears to have institutionalized corruption with double digit people being indicted (so far) for stealing millions of dollars and involving conspiracies. In the "gotcha" comparison, you have a single teacher reading a completely out of line poem and from what I can tell, has not even broken a law. I have said it several times in these threads, the nonsense that BISD is going through at the moment is not because one or two people broke the law. That will always happen almost anywhere. The problem with BISD at the moment is not a couple of criminals but at least parts of the administration being involved. Then there are some of the people that are being complicit like the school board covering for it like renewing a contract with a person that was convicted of a crime involving the district and then voting to not seek civil recovery of money owed to the district which means the students. That is why the state took over, because of mass corruption from leaders and extreme mismanagment, not because of a poem. It seems like having a famiy that had 3 members convicted for drug dealing cocaine and then saying, big deal, the guy next door got a speeding ticket. One case involves a district. The other involves a single idiot and it does not look like the district is covering for him.
  16. tvc184


    That new device is comical or at least up until the point where they are trying to actually make officers carry it.
  17. I don't know, it is getting to be a pretty big furor right now.
  18. That or BB gun or airsoft or toy or......
  19. Limited immunity perhaps?
  20. That is a huge number for one organization. I know (working in the system) that others might avoid arrest or having charges filed by turning into state witnesses to go after higher ups.
  21. Like Sears, Woolworth, KMart and others, at one time they were innovators and set trends but could not or would not change to keep up with the market and middrn trends.
  22. I doubt that Walker gets the nomination but if so, this is politics. What does Perry bring to the ticket for votes?
  23. Why Perry?
  24. Any business whether public or private can have a crooked person working for them. That alone has no reflection on the organization. So far maybe half a dozen people have been indicted at BISD. Those numbers alone or almost staggering in my opinion.
  25. Technically it was a school shooting. Realistically it was just a murder suicide thing could happen anywhere.
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