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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. For the people that complained of the police response in the missing person case and the claim that this was all racial, the cops didn't care and it was the police that killed him and covered it up, they should read the federal indictment that gives details of the entire incident from beginning to end.   I have been involved in many missing person cases and many times it only involves the taking of a police report and putting the person in a national law enforcement database depending on the information gathered that gives leads.     The indictment was submitted by the US Attorney Office, not the local police, sheriff or even the Texas Rangers.    Wright had sent Hadnot many text messages buying drugs. When confronted by that fact that can be proven after a subpoena of the records, Hadnot admitted to selling Wright drugs daily. Wright's wife said that nothing appeared wrong with him but a short time later recanted that story and said that he was acting strange. She then stated that he was "on something". That was confirmed by a patient and his wife right before he went missing when they gave statements that he appeared disoriented.    After the wife said that he was okay but then changed her story to him being on something, the family denied the police several requests to search the truck or personal laptop. So this innocent man that has nothing to hide has his wife lie to the police about drug use and the family denies the police access to something early in the investigation that might lead to his location. The next morning the deputy at the scene left to get a court order to search for the cell phone location (pinging) and when he left, the family took the personal and business laptops. Of course it is their right to do so and it was upheld and the police did not force the issue but talk about things that make you go hmmmm......   By the next morning a family reported finding the pieces of clothing. This might have been 12 hours after Wright had been reported missing. The police (sheriff department) then began a search of that area as they now had a location to concentrate on. The police then called in state tracking dogs to the scene and tracked the scent to a bayou and found more clothes in the field. They made repeated requests for aircraft but none could be found. That flies in the face of some claims that the police didn't do anything. Of course they such people are speaking out of ignorance but many people see these claims and take them as fact. That search continued for three more days and was led by the US Forest Service which shows federal agencies were involved from the beginning. The Texas Rangers joined in the investigation during that time frame.    When Wright's body was found, the Rangers had that crime scene and stayed with the body until it was recovered by several agencies including the pathologist.    The people that say the autopsy was botched by our local pathologist, the Wright family hired their own to look it over. But that was not enough. The samples were sent to a lab in Pennsylvania and it was they that came back with drugs from tissue and hair samples. If I counted correctly, a total of five "additional" pathologists and experts were used in addition to the local pathologists. Those include the director of human identification from the University of North Texas, the Texas DPS crime lab, the director of forensics services in Montgomery County and a board certified pathologist from Sam Houston University (and the Wright's personally hired pathologist). Guess what they all concluded? There was no signs of trauma, his decomposed body was consistent for a person being dead for a good while (not for less than a day as I saw on a KBMT FB page) and his death was due to drug overdose.     I suppose the FBI, US Attorney, Texas Rangers, many pathologists and crime labs (including out of state) all got together to cover up a crooked local cop.    Anyway, for all the false claims that come up on places like FaceBook news station pages, read the link below of the entire indictment signed by the US Attorney Office for the Eastern District of Texas. Then determine if Hadnot was just a scapegoat....... after he admitted to selling drugs to Wright that appears to have killed him.      [Hidden Content]
  2.     That would be a very good question. It takes a large force and there aren't many police agencies that are large enough in that area. They would have to strip the state police to get enough officers in there.    Of course the protesters and rioters could simply go away but that is not as likely to happen. Maybe a majority of them will get the idea that they have had their 3-4 days of rioting, looting and protesting and will move on. 
  3.   1. The police unfortunately are tied up with other things at this point in time.   2. Did this guy come forward and try to be interviewed by the police or did he seek out the media instead?   3. Do the police even know that he exists? I can tell from the many investigations that I have been involved with including murders, when you ask who has seen something, everyone was in the bathroom.    4. Who determined that this was a "key witness"..... the witness or Chris Hayes?
  4.   A PM might be the quickest way. 
  5.   AggiesAreWe
  6. It's like the Hotel California..... You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. 
  7.   That is why I said getting rid of most loopholes but it should have been exemptions. The problem with the "some exemptions" is that people will always want to be included in the exemption. 
  8.   I am curious what the SOS has to do with any of this. I can see the AG, governor or the chief of the state police but the SOS?    Maybe it is election time.......... 
  9.   So much for the fast response........... 
  10.   They are demanding answers "now" that simply are not going to come that fast.    We can look locally at an early February crash in Lumberton that killed three innocent people. There was not all kinds of different police agencies from outside having to look at and go over the evidence again and again.    Yet it is just now going to the grand jury in Hardin County, almost 7 months after the crash. In Ferguson, MO, they are demanding answers today. It simply is not going to happen. I believe that it will not take anywhere near 7 months but major investigations don't happen in a one hour or a day or so as they do on television or movie police dramas.    Had it been any other killing in MO, there would be no instant answers yet in this case they are demanding one. If they give the officer's name tomorrow and have the FBI take over investigation (good luck on speed in that case), will the protesters face reality and simply say, "Oh, that is the cop's name and Eric Holder's FBI is on is so we will all go home now".    Because that is the only kind of answer they are going to get.    [Hidden Content]
  11.   But the debacle ends as soon as the protesters go away.    They want the confrontation and I suspect that many are just looking for a "cause" to support. 
  12. .............. and I think the fair or consumption tax that is advocated by many is stupid and unfair to the lower income people. 
  13. I don't think there is anyone that likes our current system. In my opinion the best way would be some sort of progressive flat income tax.    The "flat" being to get rid of most loopholes. 
  14. You can watch the last video posted by Garrity. I loved the launching of the rubber bullet grenades and tear gas. Great looking video. 
  15.   ............ and those bumblebee rounds sting quite a bit. 
  16.   I doubt those bandannas will slow that CS tear gas.
  17. Okay, got it.
  18.   But do you have to follow someone? I just signed onto my twitter account and don't see any Ferguson stuff.
  19.   I have a twitter account but have never used it. How do you view the videos?
  20.   Twitter is so people are allowed to be heard without being aloud.  :)
  21.     Yesterday I saw a couple of different photos of mothers covering their babies faces against the tear gas (according to the media reporting the photos).    My initial thought was how stupid these women were to be at a protest of any kind, much less with a lot of violence, and toting small babies or children. Then they expose defenseless children who they have a lawful obligation to protect to rubber bullets and tear gas. My second thought was that they should be arrested for child abuse.    How stupid can some people get? 
  22. I asked for this forum to be created after being contacted by Admin about complaints that the Locker Room had more politics that other issues and was turning into a one sided continual diatribe. For that reason the powers in control agreed to try a political forum so that at least there would be a non-political place to post other than sports issues (Locker Room) and someone could ignore politics by merely not viewing the forum. Apparently some people do not have that ability to draw themselves away from a train wreck however.    This forum has degraded into the same topics over and over. Even the titles of many threads call out other members or the "other side". That alone should tell you that it isn't about an issue per se but in fanning the flames. Topics such as:   How we know Smitty is a low intelligence quotient human being Big GIrl: your thoughts on unqualified supervisors 16 threads without a reply Teabaggers hate main stream media........... Big Girl, what do you think of this analogy   Other threads are continually posted about our side against your side like "low information voter" threads, Republicans/GOP are criminals or teabaggers are racists.   In my opinion an example valid political topic would be, should PAISD get a new bond after just passing one a few years ago or even Will Hillary run (but leaving out personal snipes). A person can easily give an opinion that PAISD does or does not need a bond without calling Obama poll numbers into it or mentioning race for the sake of mentioning race. You can answer that Hillary will run and be almost guaranteed a win or that she will likely opt out after not wanting to face examination of her time as Secretary of State or Benghazi issues. There is nothing wrong with either side if respectfully given.   If it was up to me, I would be deleting threads without the need for explanations that do nothing but post another opinion about one side or the other by posting a link from a politically slanted website that shows Dems/GOP are crooks, Obama lied, teabaggers anything, etc. Especially threads only call out one side or the other or are directed at an individual. If you want to flame, go to another website. There should be some valid political threads without all the silliness.     Not so long ago we almost lost all political posting from the Locker Room so this spin-off forum was created as sort of an experiment. It looks like the experiment is about to fail. If admin approves I will start deleting threads (probably a majority of ones created lately) and if people don't like it, they can move on to another website. There are plenty of places to post political opinions on the Internet. I would like the ability to discuss some issues if it can be done with respect and especially if it has some local issue even if it is a national story with local interest like the Keystone Pipeline.    If not, I think Admin will simply delete this forum and not allow any political issues in the Locker Room. 
  23.   Idiots wanting their 1.5 seconds of fame and acting out.    Then you have comments from people that have no clue of law, authority or rights and spit out their opinions (not facts) but are reported as facts. 
  24.   That is a fairly true statement. If you ask (off the record) police officers from any department, they can mention officers that should not be there. I still don't know any of them that have shot anyone without a great cause and if we only went by "lawful" use of force, many mid to large size departments could kill people every day and be cleared of wrongdoing.    The public for the most part has no clue how many deadly force situations an officer faces in a career where the could have been lawful use of deadly force. There are probably 5 or 6 times that I can think of in my career that I could have lawfully used that amount of force and I was lucky to live without doing so. I have watched several videos of officers that died because they went too far in not using lawful force to defend themselves. 
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