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Everything posted by BLUE_LEFT_LEFT_ONE_ELEVEN

  1. I don't think that job is coming open next year. You do? WOS' Superintendent is ready to die on that Hill instead of swallowing his pride and admitting he made a bad hire.
  2. Zero Clue? Here is one simple clue, He is a OF alum and coached there already years ago under Flanigan (his mentor) Money isn't that much less than what he is at now at LCM. The OF job is still over 100k a year. Peevey is a simple man (NOT an insult by any means), he isn't greedy and looking for a huge payday. He would rather spread the money around to get good quality assistants and to have money for facility upgrades. Money isn't everything when you have a chance to "go home" Peevey to OF. Wheels in motion already If Peevey doesn't go, Chris Pachuca, Brandon Prouse, and Jeff Breaux are the front runners
  3. Pay? The pay wouldn’t be that far off. I don’t know if anyone really knows how much Peevey really makes but I do. Money isn’t everything either. Would you rather be somewhere you’ve set expectations so high after Year One and the fan base/admin is growing impatient, or your Hometown where you would be on a pedestal as long as you make the playoffs every couple years? Expectations are very low in Orangefield. Yeah OF facilities need some work but we’ve seen what Peevey can do in terms of Facilities in a very short time. If LCM wasn’t so tight with their fund balance (savings/rainy day fund) all the facilities would be upgraded by now in Bear Country. I know what I’d do. Trade that Green/Gold for the Orange/White. Come Back Home Coach Peevey!!!
  4. Peevey can get them turf in one year. Just hire him and find out
  5. Have the Peevey to OF rumors started yet? 🙄
  6. Bears have given up 28 to Vidor, 13 to Livingston and 7 to Splendora. Total points allowed is 48, not 69. no matter what the total is, I think Lumberton wins by 4 TD’s this week
  7. Anyone else hearing the Bridge City Athletic Director is gone?
  8. Any one know anything about Center? Wondering if anyone is giving Coach Jeffcoat and LC-M a chance here
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