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Everything posted by mat

  1. With the monthly packed house at the board meetings and their financial problems they could sell peanuts, popcorn and drinks, just like at the real circus. ;D
  2. GSP is certainly the better athlete and fighter but tends to have trouble finishing a fighter off. One of the promotional fight shows said GSP is training very hard and Penn is slacking. Penn has tons of talent though so it should be a great fight.
  3. It will not pass, things will not change. The only thing accomplished is another black eye for WOS and making a lot of WOS faithfuls very angry.
  4. What do they represent? What does a tier have to do with ranking? How come some tiers have more people that others?
  5. Am I the only one that wants to know how we get 2 mill. deficit and then start worrying about how to cut? The whole thing is a mess and yes it is going to be ugly. My problem is how did it get this way. Who wasn't on watch when they were supposed to be. I know it isn't as easy as this but it just seems as though you would see it coming. Many things have contributed to the deficit. A little while back the State told WOS they had to pay back around $2,000,000 due to some inaccurate info submitted concerning Rita. (I think that's the way I remember it) I don't know if that's a contributor to the deficit or if that's in addition to.
  6. I don't understand the different tiers
  7. Here's some food for thought; some are original ideas and others have been mentioned on these threads by others. Many posters from other districts have given their opinion on the subject. How many of them are from districts that are demographically 70% economically disadvantaged? With the mentality of holding the parents responsible for their own children the district could save tons of money by cutting back on the breakfast and lunch programs, before and after school tutorials, all out of district bussing, etc. I think you get the picture. Much of the area was flooded. Has anyone considered that some may have lost their vehicles to flooding, not to mention the homes? Many posters have said the district is not required to provided the transportation. The overall success of any district is determined by how far they are willing to go beyond the minimum requirements. Some have said extra curricular activies are a choice and and not as important as the required programs while others have stated that most will not go on to play professional sports. In WOS's case its the EC activities and sports that may keep them in school until graduation. That makes it extremely valuable. If the district felt the need to reduce spending in the athletic area, why not consult with the very successful ATHLETIC DIRECTOR concerning his ideas of where to cut in athletics. Why disrupt, by far, the most successful WOS program. Why not acknowledge the passionate support of the issue. Lord knows WOS need as many supporters as they can get during their rocky road. (just as they did during the bond election) Why just eliminate the transportation with out alternate ways to keep it going? The district can purchase a very good used surplus bus for under $3000, require the programs that need transportation to have an employee acquire a class C licence and do the driving them selves. The only annual cost would be insurance, fuel and routine maintenance. Problem solved. Even this option could be stomached if the district was working toward the big deficit solution. I feel quite certain that the WOS loyals would probably have been more receptive to the transportation loss if would have been presented as part of district wide $500,000 or so reduction plan to address some of the deficit. Some have said they have a $2,000,000 deficit and they must start somewhere to start chipping away. CHIPPING away is not going to get it. Everyone wants answers and solutions to the budget problems. It took them two months to figure out their transportation cost was actually $16,000 and not $25,000. Not a good sign when your looking for a $2,000,000 answer. Things are uncertain right now but hang in there. It will all work out.
  8. Catch me up to speed. I thought Dana was UFC. I also thought UFC merged with Pride. What are his dealings with WEC?
  9. Ugliest of all time? I can't beleive no one mentioned Dennis Rodman.
  10. Your good guy TD. Your offering rides to the meeting. Next thing you know, you'll be treating everyone to hotdogs. lol And if they turn down the bussing you could pull out that $100,000 bill out of your wallet as an offering for the bussing cost ;D ;D ;D
  11. He may be a little too busy right now. I think he said he's going to fix the BCS mess first. First things first. 8)
  12. Or.....Could it be the public, media and other football enthusiast trying to tell an administration and board how to run a district?
  13. It's hard to understand why people can't respect a district and the electedboards process that they apparently feel is in the best interest of the district and all of those involved. Albeit they now have a legal obligation to reveal the candidates. It's funny that through the many years of area Superintendent vacancies, I don't recall any fully disclosed lists of applicants or any legal action to obtain it. Priorities? ???
  14. I'm with you on that. The huge list is a good thing, but WHAT a job to sort through it.
  15. Doubt very seriously if a list will be put out for public knowledge, but it has grown to approximately 40. There is still speculation that there are some applicants waiting until the last minute to throw their names in the hat as well. Hopefully the list is packed with quality. :o That's a lot of applicants :o More interest in LCM than people thought
  16. How do you insert a web link in a post? I tried to copy and paste but the link would not open. Thanks Mat
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