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Everything posted by mat

  1. I think were on the same page about the players. It can be as big a challenge finishing a season 0-10 as it is finishing 10-0, just different, and these players had not been recognized nearly enough. My comments weren't focused on any individual but a general state related to the many pages of posts in the past. Eventhough everyone liked DW, many were excited, hopeful and supportive of a new chapter in LCM football. The new AD, district, students and community came together to support a new era and the scoreboard, BOJO catch phrase and other changes were a part of a new direction that most were on board for. The disappointing fact is we fell way short of anyones expectations to say the least. We pick ourselves, dust ourselves off and do it again and show the same hope and support as last time. LCM did end up with a nice scoreboard.
  2. Good post Slam. School spirit, community support, facility and stadium improvements should not be based on wins and losses. I've heard a lot about the program's failure and lack of success and a lot is warrented. With all the criticism of the recent team and their season, I for one think there has not been nearly enough acknowledgment to the players on a winless team that stuck it out and kept fighting through a tough season. A season that got tougher with each loss and equally increasing criticism. LCM is down but they are currently work to get back on track. Supporters paid for the scoreboard which says a lot. Most supports love the scoreboard and most visitors wish they had it.
  3. Won't happen. There is probably NO COACH at the 4A level worth anything that would accept a Head Coaching job without also being responsible for the AD duties. Can anyone name a school district where the Head football coach is not the AD? (exception being small schools that don't have football) There may be some out there, but I can't think of any. ??? Port Arthur just filled their director position and is still searching for FB coach. That mat be more doable for larger schools. Nothing indicates LCM is looking in that direction.
  4. After 20 pages of posts, what kind of new info are you looking for? :-\
  5. There were 18 votes for "other". With all the interest on another post, most of these votes may be for MMS's Burke. Just an assumption. There is a total of 195 votes. Just an observation.
  6. Correct, but the district is on the decline if nothing else just the great teachers they are loosing due to $. Disipline as a whole is also getting worse. You know, dont want to make waves or rock the boat. The board and admin approved an impressive pay increase this year which shows their effort to address the salary concerns. Quite a challenge with a limited tax base. While some good teachers may have moved on, there are many excellent teachers still in place, not to mention good new teachers that are taking their place.
  7. A district's success is not based only on the success of it's football season. The leadership has done good job maintaining a district with a good reputation in most every area except the recent football seasons. I feel the leadership will do what's in the best interest of the district. One thing is for sure; once the smoke clears, they will still have their critics.
  8. It's hard to keep up with the other leagues and fighters because UFC gets the most press and TV coverage. Again; like him or not kudos to Dana for great business sense.
  9. $$$ is an issue, especially for financially strapped districts. We tend to forget that football is also for the school's student body and the communities and, for the most part, most would like the series to continue. Now, If your mind is set on playing a strong team to strengthen the playoff run, go ahead, step up and give Westbrook a call. That's a game we would all like to see.
  10. I don't agree that he should have been fighting for a title either, but I'm thinking 1st it was about ticket sales and Couture wouldn't come back to fight just anybody. UFC paid Lesnar almost $500,000 for the fight, that includes the win bonus. He did say he wanted another shot at Mir, we'll see. He is certainly a big draw with a tremendous future and probably the most powerfully fighter out there. Its yet to be seen if he has the skills to go against the more experience fighters his size, much less going five rounds. One things for sure, Dana knows he has a star with Lesner.
  11. True, Lesner is a beast, but how could he have been the #1 contender with only three career fights and one of those was a loss. I think Frank Mir defeated him within the last year. No doubt about his power, dominance and future; I just don't know about his quick rise to the top.
  12. I was told they planned to have purple turf before being forced to make budget cuts. If so, it was a good move.
  13. Hope there are many more games to come
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