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Everything posted by HSKRM

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. when the speciousness of his argument is revealed, the knave retorts with epithets. made that one up myself just for you, enjoy! coach is a good man. never implied otherwise.
  3. in spite of how much you would like it to, the truth is, you taking your marbles with you has had very little if any negative impact on the scoreboard. and you're being a little disingenuous by claiming the former board member(and relative of yours) was removed solely for mistakes made 6 years ago, the rest of the story is the community removed him AGAIN after his recent push to renew the present AD's contract. so don't claim that everything would be hunky-dorey it it weren't for two meddling board members. the vote was 3-3 remember? (one member being absent) in fact the former board member's quest to get a previous AD removed was because that AD had the audacity to remove that board member's (and your) relative from the starting position you thought he should have. and I doubt seriously that you would be showing so much support for an AD that has won only 2 games in the last three seasons if it weren't to ensure a starting position for your relative. no, if anyone is to blame for the current situation it's those of you that have been bullying the ADs around here for years. oh and it's not just varsity - 7th, 8th, JV and varsity teams are ALL win-less. those #$@! board members I hope they get what they have coming!
  4. you don't have a dog in this hunt anymore. you picked up your marbles and left. don't let all of jdb's complaints fool you, it is spite talking. he's trying to deflect the blame for the current situation onto others. the current AD would likely have been more succesful had he not allowed jdb and FORMER board members to influence his decision making on the field. we do not need the school board micro-managing the athletics department but we also don't need an AD that will give in to the bullying of wannabe ADs who would sacrifice every other player on the team just so their kids get to play the position they want.
  5. i disagree that you can't turn a program around in 2 years and 4 months. the program was "turned around" in the first year and has continued on that path ever since.
  6. -----------------------------------------
  7. jdb**** Two pieces of advice for you: 1) I would caution against representing your opinion as fact. 2) Unless you're intentionally trying to infuriate, I wouldn't make references to anyone's children.
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