O my gosh. What the cougars are complaining? WEll of course, thats all they have to do right? Who is going to sit here and complain about a flag? Dont you think its kinda stupid? Its a flag. First of all, if Buna's players would not have been so immature nobody would be talking the crap they do.
BUNA PLAYERS = IMMATURE Dontcha think? Pretty sad that even though we lost. The pirates were still respectful enough to go slap the cougars hands. But Compared to the cougars they won. And the coaches still made them slap hands. Bad Sportsman ship after the game. Like really. ok Buna cougars won. You do yalls stuff and get off the field. Dont go rubbing it in and throw signs to the vistors side. That is just wayyy immature. #68 needs to grow up. Just a little.