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Posts posted by jordibug15

  1. 1. Baytown Sterling
    2. North Shore
    3. CE King 1
    4. Dayton 2
    5. Beaumont Ozen 3
    6. Port Neches-Groves 4
    7. Beaumont Central
    8. Huffman 5
    9. Jasper 6
    10. Little Cypress-Mauriceville 7
    11. Coldspring 8
    12. Huntington 9
    13. Hardin-Jefferson 10
    14. West Orange-Stark 11
    15. Buna 12
    16. Kountze 13
    17. East Chambers 14
    18. Kirbyville 15
    19. Corrigan-Camden 16
    20. West Sabine
    21. Newton 17
    22. Anderson-Shiro 18
    23. Evadale
    24. Sabine Pass
    25. Lovelady


  2. Please keep the whole town of Lumberton in your prayers. There was a stabbing this evening and the guy passed away. So many people in Lumberton loved him. He helped coach youth soccer in Hardin County and was so nice. He even showed up at my house one night after 1 am just to bring me a sprite when I was sick.

    I'm in total shock just like all of Lumberton
  3. Okay this game is over goodness. Let it go. We lost and there is Nothing that can change the outcome from last night. Gotta give it to Central they are a good team and will make a run for the district title.

    Raidernation Let's keep supporting our boys. I saw one of our players at the gas station after the game and he was down and I told him to keep his head up and it put a big smile on his face.
  4. RaiderGirl you are a true fan and I for one stand up and applaud you. It is tough to watch your team get beat but hey I am a Cowboys fan so seen a lot of that myself lol.

    PN-G is going to put a hurting on the Raiders too I am afraid.
    Then down the road looks like the DOGS are finding new bones to chew on.

    Soulja no one is saying JAGS ran the score up but should have been all back ups most if not all second half.
    Lumberton did a lot of that to themselves.

    Heck I'm a Cowboys fan too
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