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Everything posted by jordibug15

  1. 35-23 raiders my cousin just called and told me
  2. that should be a great last two mins
  3. Okay thanks I hate missin the games and not seein my cousin and the raider boys play ugh.
  4. How is Ryan Asher number 39 on the Raiders doing?
  5. When they came out with Cru's jersey I almost cried. I just miss him soooo much
  6. I Love the fact that they ran out with cru's jersey from last year and it was amazing to see them come out and win the game for Cru.
  7. Cru used to just show up at my house to visit me and my mom. We never knew when he would show up. It was great just sitting outside and see him pull up and come visit with us. I will miss those times very much. Cru I know you are in a better place now, I will see you up in heaven one day soon, I miss you very much and I love you...
  8. I'll be watchin those raider boys =)
  9. Cru was an amazing guy. All of Lumberton will miss him very much. LHS had a hard day today dealing with the lost. WE LOVE YOU CRU..
  10. I really hope Lumberton wins this one. They are playin it for Cru.
  11. Saturday. 18-14
  12. What does everyone think about Lumberton after they just beat Dayton?
  14. Can u let me know how asher does? please.
  15. okay my mom wanted to know because she is his aunt.
  16. Gosh i wish i could be there. I was goin to be but had to come to my grandparents.
  17. anyone know if there are a lot of people from L-Town there?
  18. I agree. They have even put signs up in Lumberton tellin the last person out turn off the lights since the whole town has been going to watch OUR boys play and support them
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